Ch 182 - Still Brother Xiaotian Will Hurt People

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Sun Qi rolled quickly.

Getting out of the closet made Sun Qi in a good mood. After getting in the car, he couldn't wait to call Xiang Tian.

Sun Qi didn't specifically tell Xiang Tian on the phone that he went out with the eldest sister in the circle of friends today. No matter how smoothly coming out of the closet, it was not something that his eldest sister could easily accept, and Xiaotian would inevitably feel apologetic when he heard it. The two of them managed to change from being friends to lovers. Sun Qi naturally didn't want Xiang Tian to feel any pressure because of the change in their relationship.

He just purely wanted to hear Xiaotian's voice at this time.

Soon after Sun Qi made the call, the call was connected.

"Baby, are you asleep?"

Xiang Tian held the phone in one hand and put it on his ear, while the thumb and index finger of the other hand rubbed the soft fur of Doraemon in his arms, "Just after taking a shower. Have you seen Sister Sun Wen?"

"Yeah. I'm sleeping with my sister tonight."

Sun Qi said this on purpose. Since he slept with his eldest sister at night, when he was at Xiaotian's house, no matter why he didn't speak well to his eldest sister on the phone, it means that the two of them are all right now.

On the other end of the phone, I heard that Sun Qi was sleeping at his elder sister Sun Wen's house at night, and Xiang Tian's raised eyebrows stretched slightly.

Sun Qi's parents died very early, and their family didn't have any close relatives. For a long time, his eldest sister was not only his sister, but also half of his elders. He has taken care of the most difficult eldest sister. For Sun Qi, the attitude of the other three sisters is even less of a problem.

Having solved a problem, Sun Qi said lightly, "Do you want to go skiing tomorrow? Anyway, I have already bought the ski equipment."

Xiang Tian rubbed Fatty Lan's hand for a while, and he subconsciously shook his head, "Not tomorrow. I'll make an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow."

"What time is your appointment?"

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock."

"Then I'll pick you up in advance. You don't have to make breakfast tomorrow. I'll buy it and bring it to you."

Xiang Tian held Fatty Lan's hand in a daze, "Aqi, do you want to come with me?"

"Well. I just have nothing to do recently." In fact, there are quite a few people who invite Sun Qi for dinner at the end of the year. After all, everyone is free at the end of the year. But Sun Qi pushed all unnecessary entertainment. Xiaotian is on vacation, and he just wants to give Xiaotian all the time to accompany Xiaotian well.

Xiang Tian rubbed Fatty Lan's hand again, "But the time for psychological consultation may be longer, and I may not be so fast."

Wouldn't it be boring if Aqi waited outside alone?

"It's fine. I can go outside and look at the financial statements or something. Don't worry, I won't let myself get bored."

Xiang Tian opened his mouth and wanted to tell A Qi that he didn't need to be so troublesome, that he could make breakfast by himself and go to psychological counseling by himself. After thinking about it, with Aqi's character, even if he said it, Aqi probably wouldn't listen to him. So I had to say, "Well, okay."

"Go to bed early that night, and I'll go to your house tomorrow."

"Okay. Then... good night."

"No, kiss me first."

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