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Rongrong gave a light "um".

Rongrong had met Ji Yuan a few times before, and she was quite indifferent to him. It was because in the last life, when he was slandered and plagiarized, he had contacted Ji Yuan, but Ji Yuan never responded to his email or any information. When he called, his family also answered, saying that he did not want to have any dealings with a perfumer with bad conduct.

Even when Ji Yuan emailed him to report plagiarism, Evan told him.

Now that I think about it, there are indeed all kinds of doubts about what happened in my previous life. For example, from the beginning to the end, he never really contacted Ji Yuan... Even the sentence that he didn't want him to have any relationship with a perfumer with bad behavior was also relayed by Ji Yuan's family. The strangest thing is that when he called Ji Yuan, he used Chinese, but the other party communicated with him in French.

Ji Yuan's family had lived in France for a long time, they must speak French very fluently, and they had no doubts about the phone that communicated with him in French. But in fact, Ji Yuan speaks Chinese very well. In such a French environment, Ji Yuan can speak Chinese so well, which means that at home, his parents and him should communicate in Chinese most of the time. .

After he called and asked in Chinese if Ji Yuan could answer the phone, his family would not speak to him in French, because people always prefer their native language when communicating - unless, the other party i can not speak Chinese. And the family member who claimed to be Ji Yuan was most likely not his family member at all, and the person who answered the phone was most likely Evan. It's just that he was too angry at the time, and it was on the phone that he didn't hear Evan's voice at all.

I'm not sure what role Ji Yuan played in the fact that he was slandered and plagiarized in his previous life, or it was from the beginning to the end that he misunderstood Ji Yuan. Seeing Ji Yuan again, Rongrong's mood is more than ever before. for complex.

Ji Yuan was a little surprised, knowing that he had greeted each other before, and Rongrong had never dealt with him, and this was... the first time he had received a response from the other party.

Yuan Shihan was even more like a ghost. If it wasn't for his mother, sister, and her classmates, he would definitely ask if the sun was rising from the west.

Ke Qing wanted enough rest, so everyone didn't bother too much. After staying in the ward for a while, she said goodbye. Ke Qing was very reluctant to partake of his classmates, but she also wanted to recover quickly and be discharged from the hospital so that she could successfully take the final exam next week, so she had to say goodbye to her classmates reluctantly.

Mrs. Yuan asked her son to send the classmates to her younger daughter, and asked him to invite everyone to the coffee shop or milk tea shop downstairs to invite everyone to drink something, and You Qi whispered that Yuan Shihan must thank Rongrong.

"Your sister's life was saved by others. You must be polite to that little classmate. Do you know?"

Yuan Shihan's mood was complicated after hearing this.

Ji Yuan decided to return to China to develop, but his understanding of the domestic perfume market is very limited, and most of his contacts are in France. Yuan Shihan is different. Yuan Shihan's family makes fragrance products for daily use. He knows more raw material suppliers and suppliers, and has connections in China. Yuan Shihan received a call from his mother yesterday afternoon. He was still out of town with Ji Yuan and couldn't make it back. The two booked an early morning flight and flew back. After getting off the plane, I went straight to the hospital.

On the phone yesterday, Yuan Shihan heard his mother mention that thanks to a classmate in the class for saving his sister Qingqing or something, he never imagined that that person was Rongrong. The surnamed Rong is actually in the same class as her sister!

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