Ch - 181 Are You Living Together

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There are many small goldfish in the pool, swimming happily in the water one by one.

Xiang Tian's fish pocket was placed in the water, and when another small goldfish swam into the net, he picked it up as quickly as possible. His movements were already fast, but the little goldfish moved faster than him. With a slight movement of his net pocket, the little goldfish had already swung its tail and swam to the other side.

Xiang Tian tried several times, but each time he could only scoop up a pocket of water.

Xiang Tian was not discouraged either. He no longer put the net bag in the water and waited for the little goldfish to run in. Instead, he chose to take the initiative, selected a beautiful little goldfish, and quickly picked it up. Only in this way, compared to putting the net bag in the water in advance, such a sudden attack will undoubtedly cause a bigger splash. The little goldfish heard the movement and ran to the other side in unison.

"Caught! Caught!"

Xiang Tian raised his head and saw a little fish jumping around in the fishing net of a three or four-year-old little girl with a knitted hat.

"Baby is awesome!"

The little girl's mother kissed her little baby with excitement and force. The little girl looked at her little goldfish and giggled.

The mother and daughter happily put the little goldfish into the bucket and called the staff. The small goldfish were housed in a small transparent plastic fish tank. The little girl walked away with the small fish tank in one hand and her mother's hand in the other, looking down at her precious little goldfish every now and then.

Sun Qi was still recording at Xiang Tian with her cell phone, so she naturally noticed the expression on his dazedly looking at the mother and daughter.

Sun Qi looked away from the screen of her phone and looked at Xiang Tian, ​​"Are you jealous? Do you want me to show you a hand?"

As long as the family grew up by the river, or the children grew up by the sea, many people went to the river when they were young, or went to the sea to touch small fish. Sun Qi used to fish on the beach with bare feet when she was a child. That is the real fishing. There are often shallow puddles on the rocky side of the beach. There will be many small fish in the puddle. Sun Qi brought stones to stop the flowing water, and also blocked the two ways for the fish to escape. He doesn't even need any tools, just put his palms together and hold them in the water, he can hold up several small fish.

The little fish that grew up by the sea are much more agile than the little goldfish in this kind of pond. Sun Qi was able to catch one at a time when she was a child, and it was natural to catch such little goldfish in the shopping mall.

Xiang Tian stared at the little goldfish in the pond, "I'll try again."

"to make."

This chair is too small, and Sun Qi can't sit anywhere. He paused the phone that was recording the video and stretched his waist, "Then you sit here first, I'll leave and go to the bathroom?"

Xiang Tian heard that Sun Qi was going to the bathroom and needed to leave. He looked around subconsciously. After the mother and daughter opposite him left, there were only two left by the pool, aged nine and seven. The little girl and boy on the left and right should be a pair of siblings. Xiang Tian rarely feels nervous when facing children, he nodded, "Well, you can go."

Sun Qi got up from the chair, "If you feel uncomfortable, call me as soon as possible."

Xiang Tian: "Good"

Sun Qi got up and left. Before taking a few steps, he turned his head to look at Xiang Tian. Well, his boyfriend lowered his head and stared intently at the pool, without any intention of watching him.

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