Ch 137 - Kissing like no one else

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Jian Yi released his hands on Rongrong's eyes.

On the temporary outdoor shed in the courtyard, the trees are decorated with warm-colored outdoor light strings. Rongrong opened his eyes and saw only warm light. Before he could see anything clearly, he heard a thin cat meowing.


A small blue cat is held in his brother's arms, a blue collar of the same color is tied around the blue cat's neck, and there is a cute mint leaf-shaped pendant on the collar, and his brother is holding the cat , like a close-up shot in a movie, his brother was standing in front of him in the warm light.

"Ah! So cute."

Su Ran suppressed her voice and let out a small exclamation.

She thought her voice was so soft that no one would hear her, but a voice beside him nodded in agreement, "It's very cute."

Su Ran was surprised, she turned her head and saw Sun Wen's bright and moving face.

With the success of the commercial operations of "Sleeping Beauty" and "Rebirth", as the founder of "Yueji", Sun Wen has appeared in front of the media and the public quite frequently. What's more, as a girl, even if you haven't heard of "Yueji", you or the people around you must use the products represented by "Yueji". Don't doubt, the products represented by Yueji are so popular.

Recognizing that the person beside him was the founder of Yueji, Su Ran generously extended his hand to Sun Wen, "Hello, I'm Su Ran. Rong Zheng and I are college classmates."

Sun Wen reached out and shook it back, "Sun Wen."

This was a very personal and relaxing birthday party, and it was not a professional social occasion, so neither of them mentioned their job titles when they introduced themselves.

The two equally soft hands touched and shook, and the two women who also had their own achievements in the workplace smiled at each other.

No one can resist the allure of kitty kittens.

The people who were also attracted by the little blue cat were not only Su Ran and Sun Wen, but Jian Yi had no resistance or resistance to this fluffy and soft animal.

He stared at the little blue cat without blinking, his hands were itchy and he wanted to touch!

Ling Ziyue finally had his eyesight again this time. He didn't say some disappointing things like before, such as this fluffy, and he also pulled stinky things. What is there to like? Something like that, he leaned over to Jian Yi's side, and said in a cold and careless tone, "Do you like this fluffy thing? If you like it, we can go to the pet store to pick one up tomorrow. ."

Jian Yi felt a little bit moved, but he refused. He finally shook his head and rejected Ling Ziyue's proposal, "I don't need it anymore."

It was the first time that Ling Ziyue offered to give gifts, and he still invited Jian Yi to choose with him, but Jian Yi actually refused. Ling Ziyue subconsciously wanted to lose his temper, but he finally managed to control it. "Why?" he asked angrily.

Jian Yi was standing too close to Rongrong and his brother.

He quietly took a few steps back, and then looked at the little dumpling in his brother's arms, and said with a smile, "Because there are already cats at home that can be petted, or two. Hehe."

Jian Yi stretched out two fingers and shook it in front of Ling Ziyue.

Rongrong sometimes goes home, and often brings Mint home with him. Now that he has a little guy, he will have two cats to play in the future. There is no need to spend money, and there are free cats to play with, which is beautiful.

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