Ch 159 - My People

879 31 1

Sun Qi picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and put Xiangtian's coat on the sofa. The attitude is casual, like he is the man in the house.

Xiang Tian closed the door and returned to the living room.

Sun Qi put the teacup in his hand back on the coffee table, "Have you always been in touch with that Zuo An?"

This has to be replaced by someone else, first came to someone's house uninvited, then drank their tea without consent, and asked a question that was not very friendly to listen to, the other party would definitely turn his face.

Xiang Tian has a good temper, and he knows that A Qi only cares about him, so he truthfully said: "Mr. Zuo occasionally contacts me on WeChat."

Xiang Tian didn't try to avoid suspicion. He didn't deliberately find a farther seat to sit down. He was still sitting in the empty seat next to Sun Qi as before.

"Aqi, you came to me, what's the matter?"

Sun Qi: "..."

Sun Qi came to Xiang Tian this time to tell Xiang Tian that they had a plant exhibition on the island on weekends. He knew that Xiang Tian was definitely interested, so he wanted to take him to the plant exhibition. He has arranged the yacht and can go to sea at any time.

For some reason, Sun Qi suddenly didn't want to mention the plant exhibition. However, if you tell Xiaotian that he is here to return clothes today, it will definitely not work. Sun Qi temporarily made up one, "Today, the manager of a flower art studio under my name called me to tell me that a new batch of good-looking goods has just entered the store. And our flower art store is not just selling flowers. We also hired a professional flower arrangement master. If you are interested in flower arrangement, you can also experience it on the spot. Do you have time?"

Sun Qi didn't lie, today the managers of several flower studios called him to report their work. However, his original plan was to wait for a while, and then bring Xiaotian to the store after the variety of flowers became more abundant. Since the plan didn't catch up with the changes, I had to move the plan ahead, and I just asked Xiang Tian to visit the flower art studio under his name today.

Xiang Tian was slightly stunned, "Is it today?"

When he was in Sandie Mountain, Xiang Tian was very envious when he heard Jian Yi talk about how he grew up in a flower shop when he was a child. But Aqi mentioned to him that he opened several flower art studios in Fucheng, and made an agreement with him that when he had time, let him call him, Aqi would take him to his flower art work room to see.

Xiang Tian always remembered this agreement, but he never made that call to A Qi.

He knew that as long as he called Aqi, Aqi would keep his promise and take him to his flower studio. He just didn't want to be bothered by Aqi.

Sun Qi mentioned this incident today, which was naturally unexpected to Xiang Tian. He thought that Aqi would, like him, acquiesce that this agreement would be voided.

Sun Qi's tone became vigilant, "Do you have other arrangements today?" Could it be that the surname Zuo also made an appointment with Xiaotian today?

Xiang Tian shook his head, "No."

He has no other plans today.

Sun Qi is an activist, he stood up from the sofa, "Then, let's go?"

Xiang Tian had never been to the flower art studio, but after hearing Sun Qi's invitation, he was a little shaken.

He thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

Xiang Tian went to get the car keys that were placed at the entrance, but Sun Qi took them away.

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