Ch 4 - Brother is right

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At the request of Mrs. Rong, the doctor arranged for Rongrong to do a full physical examination.

In a previous life, Rongrong gradually developed symptoms such as abdominal cramps, vomiting, and even hallucinations in severe cases after being kicked out of the Rong family.

At first the symptoms were not that serious, and he didn't take it to heart.

In addition, for a period of time, he was always forced to change jobs, and even the place to live became a problem. Naturally, he did not have the energy and time to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Later, the symptoms gradually increased, and the palpitations became more and more serious. I often fell asleep and woke up in a cold sweat.

Poor sleep at night directly affected his work status during the day.

Once he was painting the outer wall, and his head was dizzy.

This made Rongrong realize that he couldn't drag it any longer.

He went for a checkup, and the hospital informed him to get the checkup report at the end of the month.

This also means that until he died, he did not know what disease he was suffering from.

Rongrong is not sure, if he is reborn again, will he still get sick like in his previous life.

At the very least, there's no harm in doing a full body check.

The Rong family has a controlling stake in the hospital and is the major shareholder of the hospital.

The second son of the Rong family has to do a physical examination, which is a matter of one sentence, and there is no need to line up.

Rong Zheng took his father Rong Weishan's car home.

When the car was about to arrive at home, he received a call from his mother, Ying Lan, and learned that his younger brother Rongrong was awake.

The father and son turned around and went back to the hospital.

When Rong Zheng and Rong Weishan and their son returned to the hospital, Rong Rong had just undergone a complete physical examination, sat in a wheelchair, pushed by Mrs. Rong, and returned to the ward soon.

A clock hangs on the wall of the ward.

When Mrs. Rong looked at the time on the clock, it was almost noon.

After Rongrong lay down on the bed, she walked to the round table and opened the food box on the table, "In the morning, Mom asked Aunt Wu to make some food for you. Are you hungry? Give you……"

Halfway through Mrs. Rong's words, she suddenly remembered something.

She turned her head naturally, looked at Rongrong, and asked with a smile, "What do you want to eat? Mom will call and have it delivered now."

Mrs. Rong turned her back to Rongrong, but Rongrong still noticed the movements of his hands, "Mom, didn't you bring me breakfast? I can eat the breakfast you brought me."

Mrs. Rong said hesitantly: "But, it's been more than two hours..."

Rongrong had eaten the lunch mixed with rain, but after two hours, naturally he didn't care.

"I'll eat whatever you bring. I don't pick."

Looking at Mrs. Rong's surprised eyes, Rongrong suddenly remembered that in his previous life, before he was kicked out of Rong's house, he was extra picky about food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

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