Ch 139 - I'm sorry I have a boyfriend

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Rong Rong heard the sound of the door being closed, and felt somewhat relieved.

It's not that he is afraid of being seen, mainly because he doesn't want to be embarrassed by Jian Yi. Rongrong was distracted for so long, and suddenly, his lips hurt.

Rongrong didn't have time to think about whether Jian Yi was embarrassed, so he lowered his head and went to see his brother.

Just now he helped his brother to lie down on the bed? His brother's strength threw the belt on top of him. His brother kissed and bit him at that time. However, he didn't really bite, just the teeth were caught in his collarbone, and the tips of the teeth were grinding. Unlike the bite just now, which was a real bite, he guessed that his lips must be broken by now. hurts a little.

Rongrong has been with his brother for so long? He has always bitten his brother's lip accidentally, except that his mouth got angry and his lips were broken, his brother really didn't put him The mouth was bitten.

Even when he was a child, no matter how naughty he was, his brother would spank him at most, but he never really hurt him.

Rongrong stared at his brother suspiciously, "Brother, did you bite me just now?"

Rongrong's tone is not very sure, why is his brother biting him for no reason? Or, after his brother was drunk, he had a habit of biting?

Rong Zheng's "Yeah."

Just bite that? It hurts a lot, but Rongrong is not angry, he even thinks it's a little funny. Maybe it's because the childish behavior like biting is too much? It doesn't seem like something his brother can do.

Rongrong asked his brother, "Brother, why did you bite me?"

"You're not paying attention."

Um? After receiving the unexpected answer, Rongrong was quite puzzled, "Why am I not paying attention?" What was he doing just now? Why is he not paying attention?

Rong Zheng stopped talking, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his lips were pursed into a line. He looked a little aggrieved.

Rongrong felt that he was about to be spoiled by his brother's cuteness. Oh, how can his brother be so cute when he's drunk!

Rongrong coaxed his brother, "Brother, did you tell me. Why am I not paying attention? You say, I will definitely change it!"

How deep is this man's heart, his brother is so wronged, he doesn't want to coax, he is still thinking about how to set his brother's words.

It's too tiring to talk with both hands on the bed like now , he took his brother's arm, put his head on the pillow, turned around, put his arms around his brother's waist, and arched the tip of his nose in his brother's arms.

His brother usually likes his coquettish behavior the most, that is, his brother is drunk now, and Rongrong is not sure whether this trick will still work for his brother.

Facts have proved that whether it is a sober Rong Zheng or a drunk Rong Zheng, as long as Rong Zheng is still conscious, Rong Rong's coquetry will always work for him.

"You've been watching Xiaoyi just now."

As if remembering something unpleasant, Rong Zheng's brows furrowed even tighter.


Rongrong was stunned for a long time, and after a while, he finally reacted.

He held his elbows and looked sideways at his brother, "Are our little Zhengzheng jealous?"

Rong Zheng is drunk and his consciousness is not very clear, which does not mean that he has lost his IQ as well.

The banter in Rongrong's tone was too obvious, and Rong Zheng bit his lips unhappily.

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