Ch 145 - Sneak on his brother's shirt

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Rongrong's sleep at night has not been very good.

At first, he could only fall asleep when he slept with his brother, or smelled his brother's familiar breath. Even in the past two years, his sleep has gotten a little better, but this habit has not changed.

You must have his brother by your side, or sniff his brother's clothes to fall asleep, otherwise you will dream of some pictures from your previous life, and it is easy to wake up at night.

That night, Rongrong didn't have any dreams in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, he began to dream of things from his previous life.

He dreamed that he had returned to the Xinhu Greenland, which was under construction. He sat on the safety seat working on the outer wall, stirring the putty in his hands. It was a hot day and there was no wind at all. He wiped the sweat dripping down his chin with the back of his hand.

He skillfully tied the rope to the load-bearing wall, pulled it tight, checked it repeatedly, fastened the seat belt, and tied the paint bucket around his waist... Sitting on the safety seat, his hands in safety gloves grasped the rope and walked from the high-rise building. The outer wall slowly descends.

Since his rebirth, Rongrong didn't know that this was the first time he had dreamed of the scene of the day he had an accident.

Knowing what will happen next, in his sleep he is like watching a movie, he predicts the ending of the movie, but he can't do anything, the difference is that the performer is himself, he can neither fast forward nor pause , let alone stop playback. Only to experience that feeling of weightlessness in dreams over and over again. It's like fate, can't break free, can't escape, and falls into a vicious circle of reincarnation. It can only be experienced and repeated over and over again.

It may be that I have dreamed too many times, and I have experienced the feeling of instant weightlessness too many times. From the very beginning, she would desperately try to wake herself up as soon as possible in her dreams, and Rongrong felt like she was lying flat now. Anyway, as long as he fell from the outer wall, the momentary sense of weightlessness would wake him up from his dream.


The expected weightlessness did not happen.

The hot and dry air began to flow, and a cool breeze blew past his ears, and everything seemed to be a rehearsal. Only, this time the safety rope did not fall off. He was still sitting well in the safety seat, his hands firmly grasping the safety rope. His body fell slowly along the safety rope.

The floor was getting lower and lower, and he was getting closer and closer to the ground. He reached the first floor safely, untied the safety tether, and got off the safety seat.

For the first time, he did not fall from the sky, and his feet and feet were on the dirt road that had not been poured with concrete.

On the tip of his nose he could smell the aroma of the nearby camphor leaves, as well as the refreshing scent of a touch of cedar.


Amidst the distant bells of the church, the scene of the new land of Green Lake scattered before his eyes, and he found himself in a Gothic church.

He raised his head, looked for the church bell, and saw a tall figure standing not far away against the light.

Rongrong recognized it as his brother.

"elder brother!"

He called out, and the man at the end of the corridor turned around.

Rongrong ran towards his brother.

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