Ch 185 - Each of us is the culprit (Past Life II)

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"Ding dong, ding dong."

The doorbell was rang.

Jian Yi was about to open the door when he heard Rong Zheng say in a low voice, "I'll open the door."


Jian Yi's face was blank, and he didn't know if he was over-hearted. He always felt that his brother was a little weird today.

Compared with Jian Yi, who was completely confused and confused, Liu Xing was more worried.

In the early years, due to differences in the company's philosophy and development direction, several elders of Mr. Rong, who held a controlling stake in the company, were very dissatisfied with Mr. Rong. Mr. Rong deliberately wanted to take away the controlling rights of several elders, and finally kicked them out of the management, which was strongly opposed by Mr. Rong. The news that Mr. Rong wanted to rectify the management of the shareholders did not know how to spread, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the few, and the contradiction between the two sides became more and more intensified.

When the chairman passed away unexpectedly that year, Mr. Rong hid the news and only said that the chairman had relapsed from an old illness and had gone abroad to recuperate, barely stabilizing the situation. Even so, the members of the Rong family still moved frequently, causing many stumbling blocks to President Rong.

Therefore, Liu Xing knew that apart from the chairman's wife Ying Lan, the Rong family had no elders that Rong Zheng cared about. So, what's up with this crystal coffin in the living room?

Rong Zheng went to open the door.

When he came in, Rong Zheng was followed by two young men in black uniforms, a man and a woman.

These two people, neither Jian Yi nor Liu Xing, have ever met.

Jian Yi looked confused and said, "Brother, who are they?"

"They're funeral home people."

Funeral, funeral, funeral home?

Jian Yi suddenly widened his eyes.

Liu Xing's eyes were shocked.

Who is the Rong family, who died?

"My brother is upstairs, please come up with me."


Two staff members followed Rong Zheng upstairs.

younger brother?

Liu Xing looked at Jian Yi subconsciously, and Jian Yi shook his head frantically, "It's not me, it shouldn't be me, brother. Brother should be referring to..."

Considering the presence of his mother, Jian Yi hurriedly pulled Liu Xing aside, "The younger brother I just referred to should be Rongrong. It seems that I have finally found Rongrong. But, Brother Liu, when I came back, Brother clearly let me know. I kept a little quieter and told me not to wake Rongrong, and said that Rongrong was getting up. If he was woken up, he would be unhappy. However, now my brother told the funeral home that my brother was upstairs. Brother Liu, this is ,What's going on?"

Jian Yi was so flustered.

Didn't brother find Rongrong, didn't Rongrong sleep in his room? Why, why did the funeral home come? Why is there a crystal coffin parked in the living room!

Rong Shao?

Suddenly hearing Jian Yi say that Rong Zheng had found Rongrong, Liu Xing's first reaction was not ecstasy. Whether it was the crystal coffin parked from the house or the reaction of President Rong just now, it was not at all like the joy of finding the younger brother he was thinking about. On the contrary, there was a strangeness everywhere.

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