
455 11 0

May 10, 2012

06:30 am

The Avengers are all in the training room, Natasha and Steve are sparring, Clint's working on his aim, Tony and Rhodey are flying with Sam. Bucky, Thor and Sharon are chatting, Hope and Scott went small to feed the ants.

Camera cuts to Laura, Pepper, Maria, Coulson and Fury filing up paperwork.

Cuts to Tony.


"How are you this morning?"


"Who the fuck decided to start training at six in the fucken morning??"


"We believe it was Steve-"


"I should have know it was Rogers."

Cuts to Natasha


"What do you think of the training time?"


"Honestly, Stark's just a baby, who runs on no sleep and a shitload of coffee."

Back to Tony


"She's the one to talk. Never get any sleep and drinks a fuck load of coffee, it's a miracle she hasn't died on us yet, with how much caffeine she takes. She's on her tenth cup when I'm only on my thrid."

Cuts back to Natasha


"Okay. Now that's bullshit. At least I don't leave the coffee beans in the sink."

Cuts to Clint




"So who is it then?"


"I don't know, but I fucken bet  it's Bruce, he may look like a goodie goodie, but he has a dark side. I bet you he's the one leaving coffee beans in the sink."

Cuts to Bruce.


"You know, Barton has always suspected me, ever since I accidentally spilt coffee all over his trick arrows."


Bruce was casually walking back to his lab with his nose in a science book, he was so deep into the book he didn't notice where he was and banged right into a wall, spilling coffee all over where a bag of trick arrows were laying. "Shit." Bruce cursed.


"I lost so many of those arrows."

Back to Bruce.


"Ever since then, he hasn't really been over friendly with me."

Cut to Clint.


"So many arrows."

Cuts to Sharon.


"Seriously. Who the fuck wants to willingly get up at 6:00 to go train?"

Cuts to Steve.

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