
291 10 0

June 2, 2012

08:36 am




Natasha yelled as she came bursting into the room.


"Ah, I see you've fallen for my prank."

Clint smiled, the red-headed assassin's hair was now blonde, and she hated it.


 "I'm going to rip your head off and tear you limb from limb!" 


"You wouldn't. You'd upset Laura."


"I'm sure Laura wouldn't mind." 

She hissed as she went to attack, lunging at Clint, who was peacefully sitting on the couch, just then Steve stepped in the way. He grabbed her waist and pulled her further away from Clint, who eased up and smiled as Natasha struggled to get out of Steve's grip 


"you're dead Barton." 


"I can't hear you." 

he mouthed turning his hearing aids off 


"oh, you little sh-" 

her words were drowned out by silence that only seemed to enrage her more as she fought hard, Sam, Tony, Bucky and Rhodey all held her back as Laura put Clint's hearing aid back in and she, Pepper and Sharon lectured him.


"Fine. I'm sorry Natasha. I may have gone a bit overboard."


"You think?!"


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