The first night pt. 2

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August 12, 2013

10:53 pm


The kids were all asleep by now, Kate jumped on the bed and almost immediately went to sleep muttering her goodnight's to Laura and Clint, Pepper and Tony learnt not to give ice cream before bed, as Peter and Harley had a sugar rush, then a sugar crush, Peter falling off the ceiling, Tony catching him before he hit the ground and Pepper carrying Harley to his bed, Valkyrie and Carol took Monica to Space.

Coulson and Maria learnt that Daisy is very mature and went to bed early, Thor and Bruce told about 3,000 stories to Love before she fell asleep as well, Sharon showed Karli her room, and the first thing she did was jump up and down on her bed, before falling into a deep slumber, Cassie went to bed easily considering, she was with her dad, Wanda and Pietro on the other hand.


"Now, you're brother's room is right across the hallway,  okay?"

Natasha asked as Wanda nodded fiddling with the blanket


"Bathroom's right down the hall, to your right, my room's upstairs just ask J.A.R.V.I.S to take you to my room, if you need to."

Wanda yet again nodded, still fiddling with the blanket.

"Môžeme vás oboch presunúť do tej istej miestnosti. Ak chceš." [We can move you both into the same room. If you want.]

Wanda only shrugged.


"Okay, sleep time. You have one hell of a day in the morning."

Wanda nodded and snuggled in her blankets, Natasha walked out to the living room.


"What's going on?"


"Pietro has decided to go to Italy."




"Now he's in China."


"You put a tracker on him?"


"For safety reasons, they all have a tracker on them."


"Okay, first of all, that is wrong. On so many different levels."

"and secondly, he could have hacked it."


"No one can hack my tech, Natasha."


"So, you're telling me that, all the kids are in Asgard?"

Everyone turned to the screens.


"Holy shit. They've hacked my tech."


"And that is why you don't put trackers on smart kids."


"Well, I didn't expect them to be that smart."


"That is why you learn about them."


"You read their files?!"


"No. It's disgusting."

"I did some research."

"Look, these kids are our mission. To complete the mission you have to know about it."


"That actually makes sense."


"And this is why I'm a good agent."


"You're so full of yourself."


"Whatever, I plan on going to sleep, and waking up late."


"Me too." 

The Avengers then got up and went to their rooms. 

Cuts to Fury.


"I have a good feeling about this."


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