The first night.

331 10 0

August 12, 2013

07:27 pm


Pepper, Rhodey, Laura, Clint and Coulson were finishing up dinner, as Natasha sat cross-legged on the counter waiting for her mac and cheese. The kids watched the Adults in the kitchen.


"Off the counter."

He said softly as the redhead sighed and hopped off the counter.


"Yeah, you weirdo."

Natasha simply grabbed a bit of flour and tossed it a Clint.





"Oh, my god. I swear, I didn't see you there."

She told him not even trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice. This got a few chuckles from the kids and smiles from the Avengers.

Clint signed his response.





Clint pulled his tongue out as Natasha sneered at him.


"God, you two fight like children."

Laura sighed deeply.





"You two argue worse than kids."


"That is rude."

[Natasha at the same time]

"How dare you."


"What will we ever do with you two?"


"Ah, love us, feed us."


"Keep us."


"That one's a big one."

More laughter followed this.


"Alright. Who's hungry?"




"I am!"


"Count me in."


"You might have to wait a little bit longer."

Coulson said holding up a burnt and broken pot, the kids all snickered as Clint was kicked out of the kitchen and replaced by Steve.


"Wow, replaced by a grandpa, Clint."

Natasha joked, eating someone peanuts, Clint rolled his eyes.


"Toss me some."

Clint almost immediately dropped to the floor as a handful of peanuts went shooting towards where his head was four seconds ago.


"Why you little-"


"Both of you behave."


"Yeah, Clint."

Clint sighed giving off a 'what did I do?' vibe.

After a little while, dinner was served, and everyone was sitting at the table, Clint and Natasha sitting at opposite ends of the table so that they'd behave.


"Yum, this smells great."


"Yeah, that's because Clint didn't make it."



Clint said as light laughter filled the room, Clint pouted.


"I can too cook."


"Remember the waffle incident."


"You all distracted me."


"What about when you blew up the entire kitchen??"


"I was meant to do that."

At Clint's word, everyone even Clint burst out in laughter.


"You eat your mac and cheese with hot sauce?"


"Yeah. You don't?"

Harley shook his head.


"What, that's so weird."

Again light laughter was scattered across the room.


"She's joking of course. You're not weird if you don't eat it with hot sauce."


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