meeting the kids.

340 9 0

August 12, 2013

11:05 am


The Avengers were sitting in the living room, Fury standing in front of them.


"What exactly do you want us to do with"


"I want you to train them."


"They're kids!!"


"Have any of you read their files?"


"I don't need to look after a kid."


"Did anyone read their files, who has a kid to look after?"


"No. That's sick."


"I have to agree with Rogers on this one."


"They are extremely enhanced."


"Not to mention. Minors."


"If we help them control their powers, we don't have to worry about a sudden outbreak."


"Does it look like, I can shoot webs?!"


"I mean, come on Fury. It's like you're setting us up to fail."


"Not to mention, Carol and I go to space, quite often."


"So you'll take her with you."


"A kid??"

"Into space?"


"Sir, do you even hear yourself?"


"Yes. You will take these kids everywhere with you, get to know them, train them to control their powers."

"And I haven't set you up. I have made sure I set you with a kid I know you can handle and help."


"Uh. I don't have super speed or magic powers."


"They're from Sokovia, May and Happy said they don't speak that much English."


"So, I'm a translater."

Fury gave Natasha a 'be nice.' look as the elevator door dinged 


"Alright, I want you all on your best behaviour."


"You got it."

Happy and May walked in with a bunch of little kids, sighing the Avengers got up, to say hi and introduce themselves.

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