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August 12, 2013

10:35 am


The Avengers had learnt a lot from the previous year, about teamwork, co-operation, family and friendships.

Carol and Valkyrie joined the Avengers, but they mostly work out in space.

The Avengers were all sitting at the table in the war room, Fury standing at the front.


"As you know, there has been a high rate of Hydra attacks since New York."


"Yeah, no shit. Still have the scars to prove it."

Pepper covers Tony's mouth with her hand as Fury just ignores Tony's outburst with a roll of his eye continuing with what he was saying.


"And as you're aware, Hydra has been experimenting on kids."

Everyone either bowed their head sadly or looked away not wanting to think of those poor kids being experimented on. 


"And it's safe to say, you lot need to work on your responsibility. Barton especially, you and Laura have a kid on the way"

Clint couldn't help but smile at the thought of him being a dad, Laura smirked and squeezed her husband's shoulder.


"So, congratulations, Avengers. You are now parents."

Silence. Complete and utter silence.




"Have fun."

And with that Fury went to leave.


"Wait, boss. What do you mean by that??"


"I have assigned you lot to care for a bunch of super-enhanced children."


"Wait, come again."


"I will have May and Happy drop them off in... half an hour."

Fury left as the Avengers all turned to one another stunned.

The Avengers immediately went to check who had adopted who.


Tony Stark: Peter Parker and Harley Keener.

Pepper Potts: Peter Parker and Harley Keener.

Clint Barton: Kate Bishop.

Laura Barton: Kate Bishop.

Sharon Carter: Karli Morgenthau.

Bucky Banes: Karli Morgenthau.

Sam Wilson: Karli Morgenthau.

Coulson: Daisy Johnson.

Maria: Daisy Johnson.

Steve Rogers: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Natasha Romanoff: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Bruce Banner: Love.

Thor: Love.

Carol: Monica Rambeau.

Valkyrie: Monica Rambeau.

Scott Lang: Cassie Lang.

Hope Van Dyne: Cassie Lang.

The Avengers were all shocked.


"I have my daughter. This will be fun."


"I like Cassie."


"Fury really wasn't joking."



Cuts to Tony.


"Fury expects look after a bunch of kids??"

Cuts to Fury.


"They got to learn what the hell responsibility is one way or another."


"Do you think this will be a good idea?"


"Nope. But it's a start."

Cuts back to the Avengers shocked and Scott excited.


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