Natasha's best woman speech

257 8 2

November 29, 2013

10:35 pm


Everyone was sitting as Natasha got up to do her best woman's speech.


"Hello. I'm sure everyone knows who I am, but for those who don't know who I am, for some reason, I am Natasha Romanoff, Tony's best woman..."

"Now, I've known Tony and Pepper since... Well, since before they even started dating, back when I was assigned to watch over Tony as he tried to figure out what he was doing with his life you know... Being Iron-man and stuff... I alsp saved him from dying a few times."

"And after all these years it's nice that Tony has finally admitted that I'm the best."

Chuckles were heard from all around the room.


"But even when they weren't together, you could tell that they were meant to be together. And now here they are married... When they weren't you could tell that they loved each other, even if they were too stubborn to admit it. They truly loved each other and that's why I'm so glad that Tony finally proposed."

Tony rolled his eyes as everyone else chuckled.


*Whispers to Pepper*

"If she brings up anything about the day we kissed for the first time. I'm going to kill her."


*Whispers back to Tony*

"We all know how that ended last time you tried."

The pair chuckled to each other as Peter sat in his mother's lap, Harley was busy trying to sneak a sip of someone's wine. (Like father, like son.)


"Now tonight Tony has very kindly asked me to talk about what a great guy he is, so..."

The redhead paused to take out a piece of paper and unfolded it, reading the words that were scribbled on it.


"I can honestly say that he is charming, brilliant, funny and hands-... Tony, I can't read your writing. What's this last word?"

She asked, turning to him with a confused look causing laughter to fill the room and Tony to burn a bright red.


"I'm kidding. When I first met Tony, he was very... How do I put this plainly?"




"An asshole??"


"Big headed?"


"Oh, oh, I know. Reckless."











Tony gave a few fake hurt looks at his friends and family as Pepper tried to hide her laughter.


"Let's use irresponsible. I'm sure everyone knows that's true."

More laughter as Tony buried his head into Pepper's shoulder.


"When I first met Tony, he was extremely Irresponsible, and I mean extremely irresponsible. I thought he would never change, that he would stay irresponsible for the rest of his life but one day a certain someone came into his life and changed him for the good."

Awe's were heard across the room as Pepper and Tony gave each other heart eyes, smiling softly at each other. Grateful for one another.


"That person just so happened to be the woman that you have married today, Pepper Potts. Pep, you have come into Tony's life and changed everything, he started to become a better person, he's taking responsibility for the things he has done wrong well... most of them and he's looking after two kids... Unfortunately for him. He didn't grow any taller."


"Alright, enough with the height jokes."


"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry..."

"Pepper never gave up on him and continued to love him and stay by his side, even when he was being a complete ass, she was always there for him like he was for her and I think that's why they work so well, they only saw the good in each other and despite what everyone else said they continued to love each for who they were and not what they did. And the things Tony has done, I mean-"

She paused to look at Tony.


"Did you really set fire to your parents house Tony??"


"Oh god..."

Everyone was smiling and laughing as Tony continued to hide his face in Pepper's shoulder.


"But nevertheless, Pepper loved him and he loved her, so-"

She raised her glass as everyone followed suite.


"To Pepper and Tony, may they spend the rest of there lives together and happy."

Everyone cheered in agreement as Pepper and Tony smiled at their family. Natasha sat back down happy with her work.

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