
342 10 0

August 29, 2013

09:36 am


The camera starts in Natasha's room, the twins sitting on her bed as Natasha and Steve standing in front of them.


"Now, remember, none of the other Avengers knows about our relationship."

The redhead started gesturing towards Steve and herself.

The twins nod, confused.


"So that means you can't tell anyone. Otherwise, everyone will freak out, okay?"

The twins nod again, unsure of everything their parents are saying.

Cuts to Natasha.


"Am I going to bribe two kids into not telling anyone that Steve and I are dating?"

"Yes. Yes, I am."


"So, you don't want anyone to know, you and Captain Rogers are dating?"


"Have you seen how protective Clint and Tony get?"

Cuts back to the twins.


"So, no one can know, yeah?"

The twin's nod again.


"naše tajomstvo." [Our secret.]




"I can keep a secret."

Wanda glared at her brother.


"Môžem aj ja idiot." [So can I idiot.]

Cuts to Steve.


"We're just going to have to make sure they don't talk with someone for too long."

The four of them then made their way to the kitchen/living room, Clint was yet again being thrown out of the kitchen.


"I take it, cooking lessons didn't go so well?"


"What makes you say that?"

He asked sarcastically, Rolling his eyes as Sharon now had short hair.


"He burnt my hair making nuggets."


"I mean, at least you can pull off shoulder-length hair."

Natasha said in an attempt to comfort Sharon.


"I guess your right."

"But I'm never teaching Clint how to cook. Ever. Again."


"It's not like I did it on purpose."


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