Dress shopping.

232 8 3

October 24, 2013

11:39 am


The girls were all sitting down on couches half asleep all in different dresses as Pepper was in the changing room. Again.


"Come on, Pepper."


"I'm not sure this is the one."


"I'm sure you look lovely."


"I don't know."


"Oh, for gods sake."

The red head then got up from her seat and walked forward, everyone stared at her confused as she grabbed Pepper from behind and pulled her out of the changing room.


"Oh, Pepper. You look beautiful."


"I think gorgeous, is the word we're looking for."


"I don't know. It does scream me."


"Like how the other 42 dresses didn't."


"Keď sa vydám, nebudem mať na sebe žiadne pocuchané šaty."

[When I get married, I won't be wearing any poofy dress.]


"Prečo, miláčik?"

[Why, darling?]


"Because I'm not going to marry anyone."


"Me too."


"I want to wear a pretty dress on my wedding day."


"A pretty dress, like Aunty Pepper's?"



Pepper smiled and looked at herself in the mirror.


"It's a little too long."

Before anyone whined, Maria got up, walking towards Pepper.


"How short do you want it?"


"Short but not too short."

Maria nodded as she ripped the fabric of the dress, shocking everyone.


"There. Not long anymore."

Pepper was far to shocked as the camera zoomed in on her.

Cuts to Pepper


"Not only do I have to pay for the dress. Now I have to pay for the damage as well."

Cuts to Maria.

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