
377 11 0

August 21, 2013

01:45 am



Peter sat bolt right up, his eyes quickly scanned the room, as he got up. He quietly snuck out of his room, and silently walked down to Pepper and Tony's room.

Peter hesitated for a minute before he knocked softly on the door.


"Who could that be?"

Pepper grumbled as she got up and opened the door. Peter stood in the doorway shyly.



"What's wrong?"


"I had a nightmare."

Peter mumbled quietly as Pepper picked him up.


"It's okay, it was only a dream."


"But it felt real."


"Sometimes dreams trick you. That's all, honey."

"But it's all okay, nothing wrong."

Peter nodded into Pepper's shoulder slowly falling back to sleep.


Harley jumped awake. Taking deep breaths he sighed deeply, and got up, wondering around until he found Tony.


"Hey, what are you doing up buddy?"


"I had a nightmare."

He shrugged.



"You wanna talk, no. Okay."

Tony muttered as Harley shook his head.


"We could just watch movies until we feel like going to sleep, if you'd like."


"Uh...yes please. That'd, that'd be nice."

Tony nodded as he and Harley went to the living room to watch every movie they could think of.


Love cried loudly as Thor and Bruce came barging into her room.


"What's wrong. What happened. Is everything okay?"


"Thor, it's just the baby, she probably had a nightmare or something."

Bruce said gently picking Love up from her cot.


"There, there,'s okay. I'm here..."

"And so is Thor."


"Yup. I'm here too."

Thor smiled at the young girl, who smiled back, she giggled before slowly falling back asleep. Bruce gently placed her back into her cot as Thor and him snuck out.

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