The princess

336 11 1

May 30, 2012

08:47 am


The Avengers were sitting at the table, it was their day off, and Fury went on a much-needed holiday. Almost everyone was sitting at the table eating bacon, eggs and toast.


"Where's Clint?"


"Oh. He won't be long."


"What did you do?"

Just before Natasha could answer, Clint walked in wearing a bright pink dress, pink heels and a small pink hat.


"Alright, which one of you assholes, did this?!"



Before anyone could say anything else they all burst out in laughter


"Looking good, Barton."


"You're gonna get all the girl's attention, Hawkeye."


"Oh, haha. Laugh it up."


"Trust me, we are."


"Okay, I get it, someone took your clothes and swapped them with that dress..."

"But why the hat and heels as well?"


"Because I didn't look as nice without them on."

That sentence caused more laughter.


"Which one of you did this??"


"That would be my handy work."



Clint then went running after Natasha, Natasha hardly moved as Clint fell to the floor in pain.


"How the hell do you run in heels?!"


"A shitload of practice."


"I feel like my feet are broken."


"Okay, now you're being as dramatic as Tony."


"Not fair. He knows how to run in heels."


"Considering he always wears them."


"Why you little shit-"




"It's only cause he's...small."

Scott claimed, shrinking into his kid form. This caused more laughter as Tony turned bright red.


"They're the same height."



"He's going to grow, he just hasn't hit his growth spurt yet."


"You're the one to talk. You're wearing a dress."


"And a hat and heels!"


"You shut up."


"You look like a princess, Clint."


"Thank you."

"Wait, what?!"

For the third time that morning, everyone burst out in laughter.


"I'll get you back, Romanoff. Mark my words."


"Whatever you say, Princess."

Natasha said with a cheesy smile and Clint, picked up his dress and marched out of the room, his heels clicking the whole way to the elevator.


"Natasha, I think you've just made my night."


"More like year."


"More like life."


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