
334 10 0

October 17, 2013

1:28 pm


The Avengers are all chilling in the living room as the kids were running around with Nerf guns, in a "war."


"Ugh, nothing exciting even happens here."


"You literally just in a prank war with Tony."


"For the fifteenth time this week."


"Yeah, but that's old now."


"Oh, yeah?"

Tony then flung a rubber band at Clint's head, hitting him on the cheek.





Clint flipped Tony off as the kids came running in.



Laura then proceeded to smack the back of Clint's head.


"Зачем кому-то прятать кольцо в своей комнате?" [Why would someone have a ring hidden in their room]

Wanda asked rushing to sit in between Natasha and Steve.


"Ну... иногда нужно сделать предложение." [Well... sometimes it's to propose.]


"На ком дядя Тони собирается жениться?" [Who's Uncle Tony going to marry?]

At that very moment Natasha stared at them in shock.

Cuts to Natasha.


"Holy shit. Tony's going to propose to Pepper."

Back to the Avengers.


"What does that mean?"

Pietro was about to blab when Natasha covered his mouth with her hand.


"Just that, um... uh, that... they want pizza for dinner again."


"But we had pizza last night."


"Yeah, I know... but pizza's great."

Cuts to Tony.


"Something's up with Nat."


"Why would you say that."


"Just a hunch."

Back to the Avengers.


"Tony. Can I talk to you real quick."


"Uh, sure..."


"I'm just saying, shawarma could be good, right Tony."





Cuts to the hallway with Natasha and Tony.


"So, what's up?"


"Are you going to propose to Pepper?"

Tony burned a bright red.




"Shut up!!"


"Holy shit."


"Natasha, I'm planning to do it tonight, you have to shut up."


"Okay. I promise."




"I wanna be your best woman."


"You really think I was going to have a wedding and not have you beside me?"


"True, true."

Cuts to the living room.


"No one even knows what shawarma is."


"Which is why it would be a good to try it."


"I don't know... I kinda just want Chinese."




Whispering to Sharon

"Tony's going to propose to Pepper."

Sharon looked at Natasha shocked before whispering to Hope, and so on, soon everyone but Pepper knew.


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