
370 11 2

May 10, 2012

10:28 am

Most of the Avengers walk into the kitchen, where Clint is, he turned around smiling as the Avengers all looked horrified.

Cuts to Laura.


"Who the hell let Clint back into the kitchen?"


"Is he not allowed in the kitchen?"


"Not after he, very creatively blew up the stove trying to make toast."

"Don't even ask how."


"Can he not cook?"



Cuts to Rhodey.


"Let's just said, I wouldn't even trust him to open a jar in the kitchen."

Cuts to Clint.


"I don't know why, everyone's so paranoid with me being in the kitchen. I mean, I may have accidently blown up the stove a few times and set fire to the sink. But I'm a great cook."

Cuts to Natasha


"His food taste like shit."

Cuts to Tony.


"Not even gonna sugar coat it, even my cooking is better than his."

"And I take three hours to make French toast."

Cuts to Steve.


"Let's just say. Clint isn't exactly the cooking type."

Cuts to Sam and Sharon


"Man, burns everything he makes."


"Even toast."


"Especially toast."

Cuts to Clint.


"And I mean, I might have electrified myself with the toaster, but so does everyone right. I mean who hasn't."

Cuts to Rhodey.


"He sucks."

Cuts to Maria and Coulson.


"There's a reason why Clint's banned from cooking."


"Especially by himself."


"And yet here he is, making waffles for everyone-"


"You can already smell it burning."

Cuts to Clint.


"Do you smell that?"




Clint went running out of the room to get the burning waffles.

Cuts to Fury.


"This. This is why Barton's banned from the kitchen."

A large fire had caught the waffle maker, Clint drowned the waffle maker in the sink, after a few seconds he pulled out the soggy waffle.


"Anyone want it?"


"Who the fuck would want that?"


"Yeah, no offense baby, but... that looks like it could give you food poison."

Clint pouted sadly.


"How about, you go watch a movie or something and I can make some waffles."




"You're an archer. Not a chef buddy."




"Okay, I get it."

Clint went to watch a movie as Pepper started making waffles for him.


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