aftermath of the party

355 10 1

May 14, 2012

10:32 am


Natasha sat on a stoll in front of the island, her head resting on the countertop, Steve next to her looking just as tired.

Clint was fast asleep, his legs and waist in the vent, his arms, head and chest dangling out over the couch, Sharon, Bucky, Sam and Laura were all fast asleep on the couch.

Tony was sleeping in the middle of the table, Pepper, Maria and Coulson were asleep on the floor.

Hope and Scott were tiny and asleep in the flower pot. Bruce and Thor were halfway in the corridor half in the living room, where everyone else was.

Other people were also scattered around the room, sleeping and probably intoxicated.

Fury walked into the living room, to see the huge mess and the Avengers.

Camera zooms in on Fury.

Cuts to Fury.


"I leave them all unsupervised for one week. One. Week."

Cuts to the Avengers.

Steve straightened up and nudged Natasha slightly, Natasha sat straight up, suddenly awake.


"What the hell happened here?"


"Sir, in our denfence...I thought everyone could handle there alcohol."

Steve nodded in agreement. As Natasha slurred over her words, clearly drunk.


"What happened here?"


"It appears that Thor had given everyone some Asgardian mead."

Steve stated also slurring over his words.


"Are you two, drunk?"


"Only a little bit."

The red head said hold her hand out, her thumb and index finger close together, almost touching.

Fury shook his head as Clint fell from his spot in the vents and went crashing to the floor.

Natasha and Steve burst out in laughter, waking up Clint, Sharon, Laura, Coulson and Tony.

Clint sat up and grabbed a bottle from the coffee table and started to drink that, Tony had put some loud party music on and was jumping up and down, Sharon, Coulson and Clint joining.

Laura went around waking everyone up.


"Party's still on, get up."

Camera cuts to Fury.


"This is exactly why they can't be left unsupervised.

Cuts to Natasha.


"He's probably just pissy cause he wasn't here."

Cuts to the party back into motion.

Cuts to Clint.


"I don't remember what we did. But it must have been wild."


Everyone was either getting high or wasted on asgardian mead, everyone was dancing and having fun, blowing stuff up with Tony's iron-man hand repulsor.

Thor was beating all the Midguardians in arm wrestles. Steve and Natasha were drinking buddies, chugging down bottle after bottle laughing like a set of hyenas, Laura and Pepper were just dancing.

Maria, Sharon and Coulson were playing truth or dare, Tony was flirting with ever girl he came in contact with, Bruce was actually having a good time and was enjoying himself.

Scott and Hope we're pretty much kissing each other the whole night, Bucky and Sam were throwing up, but still dancing and drinking, flirting with each other.


"Must have been wild."

Cuts to Tony.


"I think I...what did I do..."

Silence while Tony thought of what he did.

Cuts to Maria.


"I have one hell of a headache."

Cuts to Sharon.


"I'm pretty sure I hooked up with someone."

The blonde mumbled confused, as she looked at the camera.


"I think..."

Back to the party.

Fury got up to where Tony was DJ-ing and stopped the music, everyone stopped and turned to the man



Everyone went running out, scared of the man, they grabbed food, drinks, their clothes and more as they left.


"Aww. BOO!!"


"Do not boo me, Agent Barton."

The Avengers all fell silent.


"Boss, we can explain."


"Please do."


"Once we get sober and are able to come up with a lie."

Camera zooms in on Fury slightly.


"If this mess isn't gone by the time, I get back, you all are in trouble."


"He sounds like our dad."

The red head tried [and failed] to whisper to Steve, who nodded in agreement. Fury rolled his eyes and left the room as the Avengers [all either grumbling, complaining or laughing] tidied up the living room.


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