
267 10 0

October 17, 2013

10: 56 pm


Everyone was sitting on the couch in complete silence.


"Wow, look at the time. I think it's time for the kids bed."




"I'll put Peter and Harley to bed."




"What kind of uncle would I be if I didn't get them to bed at least once?"


"An irresponsible one."


"That's rich, he's probably the most responsible one out of you all."






"Is not."


"I don't see him looking after a kid."


"Let alone two."


"And he hasn't left any of them at the park."


"One time!!"


"One time too many."


"What does it mean when you get engage-"


"Thor, shut up!!"



Everyone looked at Pepper as Tony was shaking his head at them, they all looked at each other, passing looks as they kept silent.



"You know, I think we should head to sleep as well."





Everyone went sprinting out of the room as Pepper stared in confusion, shocked at what had happened in front of her. Tony shook his head in disbelief.

Pepper and Tony had a romantic evening, they had dinner and watched the fireworks outside, that Tony had paid for, they stared in awe on the roof.





She turned around to see Tony standing awkwardly.

Cuts to Clint.


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