Baby brain

229 11 1

2 February, 2014

09:39 am


The Avengers were all sitting on the couch, as Cooper was crying his heart out.


"I'm going on a mission... See ya."


"Take me with you!!"


"I'm going. Bye."


"Where are you going?"




"Wait, come back. TAKE ME WITH YOU!!"


"Wow, you lot are COWARDS!!"


"I didn't sign up for the crying!!"


"Plus, I actually have a job to do."



A massive argument broke out, as Fury walked in the room, he sighed and turned to the camera.


"I wonder why I even visit."


"I thought the Avengers were on good terms now."


"Yes, well every since the Barton boy's birth, everyone's had baby brain and... Forgot the fact that they are on good terms."


"How do you plan on dealing with this issue."


"Go on holiday and hire a babysitter."


"Who would the babysitter be?"


"Oh... You'll soon find out."

Back to the Avengers.




"Ugh, what do you want?"


"Watch your tone."


"Oh, shut up. Old man."

Cuts to Fury.


"As you can tell, I am in serious need of a holiday."


"Where are you planning on going?"


"Anywhere but here."


"Who is going to babysit the Avengers?"


"The best of the best... J.A.R.V.I.S."

Cuts to the Avengers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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