Rebelling gone wrong

325 10 0

May 15, 2012

05:35 pm


Fury sat down on the couch, watching a movie, proud of his parenting skills, the silence was peaceful. He wondered how long that was going to last.

Cuts to Tony talking with the others on the phone.


"We can't let him do this."


"I think we already let him do this. If you haven't noticed we've been banished to our rooms."


"Yeah, It doesn't seem like there's a way out of this punishment."


"But we aren't children. And he can't control us."


"Are we rebelling?"


"I thought you were deaf Clint."


"My hearing. It's a miracle!"

"It's back!"


"Clint, this is why you stay on the rooftops and I'm the one acting."


"Hey, back to me."

"Are we rebelling or not?"


"Yeah, well. He's not my dad."


"Clint, don't be stupid."





"Yes, Thor. We can hear you."


"I'm pretty sure Texas heard you."


"I'm good by myself. I mean no Clint."




"How the hell are you alright with this?"

"My head is still spinning."


"Maybe it's because I didn't have my tongue down Scott's throat."

Everyone was pretty choked up at Laura's words.






"That's not funny."


"Natasha sure as hell thought it was."


"How do you know?"


"She fell off her bed laughing so hard. Her rooms above mine."




"Yeah, I'm alright if anyone cared. You know, I don't have a concussion."


"That's good."


"Wow, you're so sweet, Hill."


"Yeah, I know. It's a great trait of mine."


"Cука." [Bitch.]


"That was pretty rude."


"What did she say?"


"Do. Not. Tell her."


"Shouldn't have said it.


"Oh, you asshole."


"I didn't say shit."


"That's complete bull-"



"We rebelling or not?"




"Like hell, I'm staying here."


"Great, Barton. You and I are rebelling. The rest of you can mope around in your rooms."

Tony and Clint hung up, rushing to rebel against Fury.


"Oh, this I have to see.

Natasha then hung up to go record Tony and Clint.

Cuts to the living room.


"For the rebelliance!!"


"For freedom!!"

[Clint and Tony]


Fury didn't even move a muscle while the two were screaming.

Fury sat forward.


"I don't know who you think you are. But GET YOUR ASSES TO YOUR ROOMS!!"

[Clint and Tony]

"Yes, dad. Sorry."

Natasha was laughing from her spot, recording the two.


"You too Romanoff."

Fury tells her not even looking over at her.


"I will."

The redhead smirked as she walked back to her room, sending the video of the two yelling about freedom and how their rebelling went extremely wrong. Even to Fury, who did chuckle.


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