Chap. 3 - God dammit Dave

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As tomorrow came, you woke up, did your routine then headed straight to work, as you got there, you checked in with Phil and saw your tasks for the day, moping around and hanging up some banners for a party, Jeremy would help, so you two had to deal with all that, Dave too, but he didn't even come today, yet. You had a party at 11:30, so you grabbed the banners and all and began hanging them around with a little help from Jeremy, just then, you walked to the bathroom as Dave walked in the building, greeted by Phil. They argued a little about how he was 3 hours late but whatever, y'all couldn't care less about it.

??? POV:
Who were all these eccentric peculiar people?..their friends? enemies? i can't seem to make a disparity, i haven't had acquaintanced with a living soul in..years..since i departed..𝐻𝑒 was the last one.

As Jeremy was hanging a happy birthday banner, you see Phil walk in with Dave. "Hey Jeremy, can you show Dave around? i have to take care of the customers.." Phil said as poor Jeremy was struggling to put up the banner. "S-Sure let me just- hang this up-" he mumbled as Phil sighed. "Nevermind Jeremy, finish your job there.." he said looking around then spotted you placing birthday hats on the tables. "Oh, hey y/n? can you perhaps show Dave around? since Jeremy has quite some trouble with that banner." Phil asked with a smile as you turned to him and nodded. "Of course boss! no bother at all!" you exclaimed walking over to him while finger gunning. "Great then! see y'all in a bit!" said Phil as he walked out.

"So Dave-" "let's just finish this quickah with." he cut you off as you stared at him with a slightly surprised face. "Uhm alright.." you mumbled starting to walk as he followed you closely from behind. "Soo..since you're a technician, it's proper to stop at the animatronics first!" you say with a smile then kept on walking as he still followed you. "And here is Kids' Cove! its where Foxy likes to hang out." you say walking into a bigger room. "She's Jeremy's favorite! they're really cool to talk to honestly." you say looking back at Dave, seeming to have made him quite confused, but brushed it off, maybe it was just you.

"Hey TF!!" you say with a big smile as she looks towards you two then suddenly starts to scree and let out some awful sounds. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" you barely hear Phil's voice through all the noise as you look towards him and Jeremy also. "I DONT KNOW!! THEY JUST STARTED..DOING THAT!" you exclaim covering your ears even more. "Oh must be that new facial recognition technology you even know who they were looking at?!" Phill exclaims as you look towards Dave. "Facial recognition ya say?? my, this might be just a malfunction! y-ya see? back in Texas-" "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!! MAKE THEM SHUT UP!!" you yell as Dave turns to you with a slightly guilty smile. "On it!" he mumbled then pushed all of the animatronics out of the room and into another.

"Until he's done fixing that, we have to figure out how to keep the kids entertained..they were expecting a show soon." you hear Phil say then see Jeremy take some cards out. "Don't worry Mr. Guy! i got this!" he said mispronouncing his name again while taking some cards out as you sighed. "I'll help you out, come on Jerm." you said grabbing his shoulders and walking towards the kids as he was questioning the nickname.

Walking towards the closet to get a mop, because those kids dropped pizza and juice all over the floor, you spot Dave quitting the parts and service room, with blood all over the side of his face. "What in the world are you doing in that room?! how did you get that bruise?!" you exclaim blinking twice as he put on that weird smirk of his and got closer to you. "Aw well, just a malfunction. Nothin to worry yer head 'bout." he said and proceeded to walk on further but you grabbed his wrist and forcefully dragged him towards the closet. "HEY- WH- WHAT D'YA THINK YER DOIN?! GET YER HANDS OFF F'ME!!" he struggled as you kept on dragging him.

"You know that can lead to an infection, right?!" you say "i-i don't care!! i don't need sum- weirdo to baby me!!" he exclaimed as you rolled your eyes, grabbed an aid kit from the closet then sat him down on a nearby table. "Don't move." you mumbled taking some things out of the aid kit as you could feel the urge he had to just leave. "I know what you're thinking, don't you dare walk away." you growled putting some iodine on a cotton ball. "Whatever, just- finish yer job already." he rolled his eyes making you sigh. First off, you cleaned the blood from around the wound and his mouth, then brought the iodine cotton ball close to his wound and tapped it slowly as he winced and moved around trying to get away from it. "Wot the bloody fock yer doing??!!" he yelled as you rose a brow.

"Was that a british accent?!" he went pale looking away "uh no, im uh, just practicin' one." he lied as you shrugged it off. You tapped it softly one more time and he moved around again. "I said don't move." you stopped his movements by cupping the other side of his face, keeping him still and steady. Now it was easier, by a lot, bro didn't even wince once, but he kept on glaring, more like staring right into your eyes, but you were too focused on patching up that wound to give him or his weird stare any attention. "Done." you said leaning back while looking a little at the bandage. "Yup, you're good to go." you said closing the aid kit. "Ya shouldn't've done this, darlin', but thanks." he said with that usual smirk and the weird lip bite, before he left down the hallway to god knows where.


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