Chap. 9 - Las Vegas trip (3/3)

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"Phiiiiil~ what on earth yer doing here.." Dave slurs out his words as you walk beside him sipping from some wine glass. "Looking for you actually."  he says taking Dave's hand off of his shoulder as he places it on yours making you choke slightly on the wine. "Aww reallyyyy?" Dave says squishing you, god he had some force when he was drunk. "Well now that yer here, you oughta join us!" Dave slurred out as Jeremy stumbled over to the two of you, falling into your arms then lifting himself back up. "Are ya thinkin' about it?" you ask as Phil sighs "im thinking if two weeks are enough to find 3 new employees." he groaned rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Phil! don't be such a stick in the mud!.." Dave whines making Phil pout "how many times in yer life will ya have the opportunity to get a drink on Fazbear's tab? Couldn't we enjoy atleast a few hours of this trip? pretty pleaseee.." he pleaded as Phil sighs finally giving in. "One, one drink." he said sternly as you two smirked.

-many drinkz later-

"Izz that...Jormiah..on the chand- chan..chelele..chan-duh-liar.." you slur out turning Dave to face the swinging blonde dude on the chandelier. " likeee it." he slurred then looked at you. "Yer look..p- puh..wot was tha word..puhrettyyy darlin'.." he slurred out as you blushed, leaning in "yer look- *hic* pre..pretty hand- haaa...hand-SUM! yerself..ssssir!" you chuckle hiccuping again. "We sho..shaaa..shouldffdd..mmmAKE ouT!" you hear him say as you blush chuckling. "Oiii...yesh.." he slurred then looked down for some seconds then back up, and so, he placed one hand on your cheek, the other on your neck and pulled you into a deep kiss as you kissed him back, deepening the kiss by placing your hands on both sides of his face, literally making out. "YOOOOOOO...I KNEW YOU HAD SUMM..SUMFIN FOR 'IM.." you hear Jeremy yell while swinging on the chandelier.

??? POV:
I observed in slight fright as they slurred out their words, sooner maintaining a soul kiss, grasping onto eachother, why aren't they bearing the messages in mind?..they just brush them off insignificantly and keep on succumbing to his masquerade...They don't notice the peril. I shall come back days later. I yearn for your welfare Y/n, wake up before it's not too late...

"ITS. FUCKING. GEE!!!!" you unexpectedly hear Phil yell. "Oh shi- BAILLLL!!!" you hear Jeremy yell laughing as he got down from the chandelier, and began running, so you pulled away and ran too dragging a very drunk Dave after you as Phil was following closely from behind. Just a bit later you were kicked out by some asshole bodyguards. "I'LL FUCKING SUE YOUR ASSES!! YOU HEAR ME!! I'LL SUE Y'ALL!!" you yelled about to run back into the hotel but Jeremy held you back "calm down.." he sighed as you calmed down but crossed your arms pouting. "Great, just great.." Phil says setting his suitcases down. "Where the hell are we supposed to go now? have either of you got any cash on you?" Phil asked as you all took whatever you found in your pockets out, monopoly money, old napkins, hair ties and 20 dollars, those being Phil's of course.

"Wonderful, 4 grown adults and we don't have more than 20 dollars between us! where the hell are we supposed to stay with this?!" he exclaimed frowning as you rubbed your face "i suggest we go at a motel.." you mumble as they all look at you then nod "best option.." says Phil as he grabs his suitcases and starts walking towards the nearest motel y'all could find. Paying for the stay, you all go upstairs then open the door only to just stare disappointedly. "It's not too bad!" Jeremy says jumping on the bed laying face flat on it. "There are only two beds-" "EW THAT'S NASTYY!!" you hear Jeremy say as you walk towards him and look at the couch.

"Oh god.." "im clearly taking the bathtub!" Jeremy exclaimed grabbing a pillow and a blanket, running towards the bathroom laying down right into it as you walked towards the bed, sitting down. "I don't know about you two but im hella tired..good night." you mumble laying down. "Guess we just gotta squeeze in." you hear Phil say before you blacked out completely. At the same time you wanted to sleep but at the same time you didn't since you knew that in the morning your head would throb like crazy due to the alcohol.


"MR. MILLER!!" you jolt awake from Phil's scream, what was that for even. "I can't get mr. Fitzgerald to wake up! oh god i should've known better, i-" he says as you suddenly feel cold hit your back and lesser weight. "Alright, stay calm Philip, i've dealt with bodies before, we just need to-" "what do you mean you've dealt with bodies before?.." you ask standing in the doorframe, with the blanket over you as you stared at the two with a very tired expression. "I uh-" " no! he's breathing! wait, you've what?!" Phil exclaims aswell as Dave looks away then looks back at Jeremy. "Oh well, in that case." he mumbled dragging Jeremy by the leg making him
hit his head to the floor as he gripped onto the blanket.

"Would you please?? he's just seventeen.-" "you're going to give him a concussion. At least pick him up." you cut Phil off as Dave looks at the both of you with his usual smirk, followed by a wink. "He's gonna be fine! i've knocked my head 'fore, worse than a rock in a twister..and look how i turned out!" he said as Phil muttered a reassuring making you chuckle. "All we gotta do is get 'im out the door, you get the other foot." Dave said lifting Jeremy's legs up like they were some toys. And so you all walked out of the motel with your luggages and a sleeping Jeremy dragged by both Phil and Dave, yes, you were carrying the luggages. "You got the money, right?" Phil asked "sure do..i think we oughta hurry to that con-ven-shun Philip." Dave says "right."

Suddenly you hear Jeremy groan while you were on the crossroad. "Ughh..mornin mr. Guy, Dave, n/n.." he groans as his legs hit the ground "where are we?.." he asks rubbing one of his eye. "Why don't we talk about it later.." you say as he nods standing up, and so you all walked towards the convention, and just as you arrived, you eyed Chauncey.

"Well Philip, i'd say we're right fucked."

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