Chap. 31 - Past trauma

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Waking up, you feel weight next to yourself, and so, you turned around only to see the texan asshole asleep on your bed, facing away from you, you frowned about to get up but you couldn't, you felt a grip on your wrist, you sighed deeply. "Can you not?" you growled trying to snatch your hand away. "Listen to me-" "no, im not going to, after what you fucking did to me last night. I should kick you out for doing that, but i know you have nowhere to go so im giving you a bit of mercy." You should kick him out. He deserves it. you growled annoyed "that was not me last night." he says out of the blue as you raise a brow and look at him confused. "What do you mean." "that was William Afton, im Dave Miller, i did not meant and did not do all those things to you, that was William, it was not me." he said, his accent altering between british and southern. If you were honest, what you saw last night was a whole different person, not the Dave you knew and got used too, but some unmerciful manipulator and sick twisted person by the name of William, the sinful and unredeemable killer of 5, perhaps even more than 5 children. You finally took notice.

What was in front of you now, was the perhaps vulnerable? Dave Miller, who'd probably feel bad if he did anything to hurt you, who genuinely cares and loves you, does this all make sense? they're the same person, how can the same person be so different at certain times?.."Luvh?" SHUT UP. you jolt once you hear a tiny mumble, you turn towards the texan looking at him with a sigh. "You're Dave now..right?.." you asked confused as he nodded leaning over to give you a side hug, you sighed again looking down at your hands zoning out, you felt yourself tear up.

You hugged him back, craving comfort. " gonna live forever now?.." he nodded "we!" he highlighted as you sighed zoning out yet again. "Yew okay?" he asked, the southern accent coming back as you broke the hug laying your chin on your palm looking at the edge of the bed or the floor. "Just..scared that i'll be alone and just watch everyone around me, friends and all die.." "yeah yew would." he said out of the blue as you glanced over at him confused "yew would be alone, becaus', what would William do, is leave, as always and never com' back. But im Dave! im nothin' like William! i'll never leave yew." FUCKING LIAR!! he reasoned pulling you back into the hug as you wasn't he different from felt like you were talking to two different people as the same time, it was extremely confusing, but at the same time, it wasn't.

You get up and walk to the bathroom, saying nothing more, hearing steps behind you. Walking in the bathroom, you lean against the sink sighing, feeling dizzy, then you look at your hand, and the wrist that got injected, you swore you could still see your veins glow. You felt betrayed, but at the same time not, you didn't know what to feel honestly. Looking up, you swore you saw a shadow behind you with a knife in its hand, just before your head began spinning and you blacked out. "You're soo pathetic..and useless! i could make a good use of your not killing you just yet..i still need to get what's mine.."


You woke up, tho you couldn't open your eyes, they simply won't let you. Who's they? the voices screaming in your head, but you suddenly feel them disappear as you felt a hand rest upon your head, you finally could felt your eyes open, tho when you looked up, you saw no one, you looked down just to see yourself kneeled in a puddle of black shiny ooze. You tried to stand up, but, it was holding you back, like you were stuck in it, you tried again and finally stood up, tho it was sticky and stuck onto your jeans. 'What? where am i?' you tought slowly walking through the dark place. It seemed to have a light at the end of it, so you pick up your pace and run towards it, only to suddenly bump against something..invisible.

You noticed a figure approaching you with a knife in its hand, as it got closer, you felt a sense of familiar once it spoke "im sorry for what i did y/n, but it was for the best, your mom would've killed us." dad?..What was he talking about?? your mom was innocent! why was he lying.. you tought recalling the day when you heard police sirens and officers burst into your house, you walked down the stairs to look at the commotion only to see blood spread around the living room and your father looking at a lifeless body, that was..your mom. You looked into your father's eyes, cold and reminded you of someone..William. You ran towards your mom, crying loudly, but you were stopped by an officer and felt yourself get pushed out of the house. You were only 5..

You teared up, feeling your heart break into million pieces, your mom did not deserve all that and yet, your father killed her, killed her with no remorse or guilt. "You..YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!! YOU RUINED OUR FAMILY!! MY LIFE!! YOU KILLED HER.." you yelled, tears rolling down your face, as you looked up at his cold lifeless face, you swore you saw William reflect on him for a second. "Why are you still should be dead.." you growled as he chuckled lowly. "Im here to finish my job, my lovely were the one holding me back all these you must pay for it." were his last words before a red bloody knife with your mom's blood on it quickly made its way toward your head, a painful scream followed by it.



"Awaken." you heard an ethereal voice as your eyes opened suddenly, you were surrounded by all white, you stand up and slowly walk forward..god knows to where, but you just walk. Suddenly you're met with a beautiful woman dressed in a white dress, she had long
h/c hair and e/c eyes, she looked a lot like you, but prettier. She looked like.."mom?.." you mumble as she smiles warmly at you, leaning down "look my love, i suppose you saw my warnings in your should've listened." "i-i know i-" you tear up as she places her index finger over your lips, shushing you softly. "Shh, its okay, you didn't know..i made the same mistakes too..loved your father, thought he was a good man, turned out he had no feelings for me..that's why im giving you all these warnings, to keep you safe..because i don't really trust this Dave you're with right now." she mumbled as you sighed tearing up.

"I-I don't know just as confused..but i know for a fact Dave wouldn't hurt me, William would, and now im concerned..because they're the same person.." you sigh hugging your mom as she gently ran her hands up and down your back in a soothing motion. "I know love..that's the problem with manipulators..they are a complete different person one time and after a second they change back to normal." she said as you cried quietly. "Shh..its okay love. yourself, if you trust him then, go for it, love him, but if you don't, just be precautious.." you nodded sighing. "I'll be with you, guiding you through your dreams..goodbye Y/n, my sweet child. I'll miss you." she mumbled slowly fading away as your eyes widened, crying "MOM NO!!" you yelled trying to grab onto her, but it was too late, she vanished before you could say anything else "i'll miss you in peace.." you sighed tears dropping off of your face.

??? POV:
i had to let them go, it was painful but, it was the right thing to do..i just hope they won't continue making any more mistakes..

Suddenly, you notice the floor breaking apart, the dark void under it consuming the whole light of the place. You didn't even try to fight it and just, waited to get consumed by it. Soon the floor broke under your crying form too, and you fell through the endless void.

Were you dead?..

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