Chap. 34 - Birthday.. (2/3)

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The front doors unexpectedly slammed against the wall making you jolt. You look at them only to see..someone you didn't expect to see for a long time. "What is he doing here." you growled beneath your teeth as Damian looked confused at you, "what do you mean? it's your dad, he came for your birthday, aren't you happy?" you facepalmed, "heyy! y/n love!" you heard the oh so known 'happy' voice of his. You stomp over to him "why are you here you fucking killer." you growl, lowkey feeling your blood boil. "Killer? what are you talking about sweetheart?" he smiled sweetly, "shut the fuck up Orion AND DON'T YOU SWEETHEART ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE!!" you yelled as he seemed taken aback for a small second, well until he grabbed your shoulder and brought you into a hug. "Listen here you little fuck, i don't know how did you find out but if i'll have the police on my trails, im gonna hunt you down and fucking kill you myself like i did with your mother. So keep your fucking mouth shut. got it?!" he growled into your ear as he pulled away switching moods like a switch.

mom POV:
what is he doing here...did he come to cause more trouble?..hurt my precious n/n?

what is..THIS TWISTED SHIT DOING NEAR poor child is gonna drown in their own blood if they don't..kill him. I would do it myself if i still had a body..but, if i couldn't do it back then..will i be able to do it now?

I pray for your welfare y/n. I shall protect you as much as possible.

"I AM NOT GOING TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT YOU FUCKING CRIMINAL. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FREE." you yelled hearing steps come behind you, supposing it was Damian, Fritz and the others. "n/n?..what's, going on? who's this guy?" Fritz asked as you turned to him "ah, THIS LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT RIGHT HERE? A CRIMINAL. A FUCKING CRIMINAL. HE KILLED HIS OWN WIFE. HE..he..he killed my mother." you yelled feeling yourself tear up. "Oh she's just joking y'all!" Orion said unusually happy as you clenched your fists. "n/n?..why are you like this?..he's just..your father." Damian asked as you glared at him, approaching him. "Its all your fault. CAN YOU NOT DISPAR A KILLER FROM AN USUAL MAN?! " honestly, i think no one in there could, if they hadn't suspected Dave for anything for such a long time, why would they suspect your dad.

"W-What do you mean killer.." Damian mumbled lowkey confused as he could see the tears in your eyes as to how close you were. "He killed..HE KILLED MY MOTHER DAMIAN!!" you growled pushing him as he almost fell. "Im fucking calling the police on you, you fucking sick criminal. You make me sick to my stomach, wishing i was never your child." you growl taking your phone out as your dad suddenly grabs your wrist then pulls you into another hug again. "Dare to call the police and i'll fucking rip your organs out of your body once i murder you." "im not even scared of you you shit sack, NOW GET AWAY." and so you kicked him away with your leg then quickly called the police. "Yes, Freddy Fazbear's pizza, yes, the criminal is here..Orion l/n. Come quick." and so you hung up, you rolled up your sleeves and was about to jump on him when you feel something hold you back. Jeremy, Fritz and Joan.

"LET ME GO!! HE DESERVES ALL THE PUNCHES!! HE FUCKING DESERVES THEM FOR WHAT HE DID TO MY MOM!!" you yelled as they still didn't let you go, but you managed to escape their grasp somehow and then ran over to your dad, fist punching him, sooner bringing him to blood. The others came behind you, struggling to stop you from punching him. After a minute, the police came and took him away and back to prison. "Thank you for reporting him, we've been looking for this guy for months." said a police officer as you nodded, "no problem.." and so they drove off.

mom POV:
my sweet so proud of you for succeeding to get him away..He may still be a pretty big problem but..atleast not for now. I am so proud of you, you're doing so well.

I love you n/n.

Sighing, you fall to your knees and start crying, right in front of everyone, as much as you wish you didn't, and was able to just hold it all inside, you couldn't. It was too painful, and knowing just how much you missed your mom was only making you cry even more. Why couldn't it be her that lives and him that dies?..guess that life really is unfair sometimes. You began feeling anger building inside you the more you tought of your dad and his criminal deeds, you wanted to punch someone in the face so bad just so you could release your anger. "Y/n i-im so sorry i didn't know-" he placed his arm on your shoulder, "shut the fuck up Damian..just..shut the fuck up." you cut him off, "but-". "DAMIAN I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!! YOU RUINED MY BIRTHDAY, YOU ALL DID!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH DAMIAN FUCKING HEATHERWILL." you yelled slapping the shit outta him, running out of the restaurant towards your car and then drove off, as he gasped lowkey shocked. He would've never expected his best friend, no, crush to slap him and he would've clearly never expected to hear 'i hate you' come out of their mouth.

Sighing, you park your car and get inside the apartment building, you then sit down and cover your face with your hands and start crying for a few minutes. Please don't cry here with you..Wiping your tears away, you stand up and walk up to the fifth floor. Unlocking the door, you walk in and it was surprisingly dark. "hu-" "OI YEW BLOODY FOCKIN' CANDLES-" you hear a loud british scream. "What the hell?" you chuckle walking over to the kitchen, making eye contact with the texan himself. "Oh. hey darlin'!" he said with a smile? you really couldn't discern, boi was it dark inside. Suddenly you hear a thud next to you making you yelp. "HUH??" turning on the lights, you to spot Dave's texan ass lying face flat on the floor. You burst into a fit of laughs, "STOP LAUGHIN' A' ME AND HELP ME UP YA DAFT!!" he yelled as you walked over to him doing so. "Ya okay?" you ask still laughing while dusting off one of his shoulders. "Was bettah." he said with a shrug as you sighed crossing your arms. "What are ya up to, hm?" you ask taking a peak over his shoulder only to feel yourself twirled around then bent down. "What the f-" you get cut off by a kiss. Your brain officially shut down. *insert windows shut down sound*

"Happy birthday luvh!" you hear once he pulled away. You stared at his face confused for a few seconds before starting to laugh, "what ya lafin' at?! ey?!!" he asked crossing his arms after lifting you back up. "Didn't expect ya to remember my birthday. I honestly thought i would've found you working on that remnant of yours, you injected me with once!!" you exclaimed with a small meaningless pout as he pouted aswell, "well guess wot, i remembered!" he said as you smiled warmly, hugging him, burying your head in his shoulder, "thank you, it means a lot to me, after how Damian and Jeremy ruined it.." you sighed as he hugged you back. "Oi! how did those pricks ruin it, ey??" he asked lowkey angry as you felt a chuckle escape your mouth, but your smile flattened back when you remembered about your dad.

"'s not their fault..they tried their best, i don't blame them was that one person Damian brought in, my father..that sick and twisted shit, you know the story.." you mumble feeling tears pinch your eyes. "Bloody focks." he exclaimed as you puffed a chuckle again saying nothing else for another 30 seconds, well, until you feel yourself tear up, and start crying. "Oi? oi darlin' why yew cryin'?" he asked in a britishly texan accent, pulling away, looking straight at your face. "Its..nothing, really." you said wiping a tear away, "uh..if it makes yew feel any bettah.." he said leading you towards the kitchen, "we hav' f/f (fav flavor) cake!" he exclaimed with that stupid smirk and lip bite of his as you smiled approaching him, sitting down at the counter in front of the cake. "Now how am i supposed to loight up these bloody candles!" he mumbled to himself as you grabbed the nearby lighter, quickly and easily lighting up the 2 small candles.

"How did yew-" "its easy enough if you know how to press, you idiot." you said softly flicking his forehead as he came next to you, nudging your shoulder. You grabbed the knife nearby "do you know how to cut a cake? or do i cut it myself?" you asked as he snatched it from you "im not that dumb!! yew daft." he said cutting 2 slices, placing them on a single plate. "What, lazy to wash another plate?" "i mean, whoy dirty 2 plates when yew can use only one!" he britishly exclaimed taking a bite of his cake as you shook your head and took a bite of yours aswell. "Mmh!- maybe you are slightly dumb, buy ya do know how to pick out good cakes." " 'course i do darlin', im an expert! wait, wot did yew just call me-" suddenly he gets cut off by a knock on the front door. "Who the fuck can it be this late at night..".

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