Chap. 30 - Remnant, the key to eternal life

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As you tiredly walked towards your apartment door, you hear unholy laughs from the other side of the door, you unlock it, walk in then approach the source of the laughs which seemed to be Dave himself, experimenting with that pink purple-ish thing he called remnant, the key to eternal life. "Can you please keep it quiet?? you're gonna wake up the whole building." you groaned, tho it was only around 8 pm to be precise. "Don't yew tell me to be quiet! i just found the key to eternal life! yew should be grateful!!" he exclaimed turning to glare at you with a frown. RUN. "You look like a 8 year old experimenting with shampoos in the bathroom while his mother isn't watching." you sent back daggers at him, well, jokingly, but he didn't seem to catch onto them. "OI! HOW DARE YEW!! THIS IS A GREAT DISCOVERY I JUST MADE HERE! yew can live forever with this!!" he almostly yelled as you facepalmed.

"And how does that work." you added trying to show atleast a little bit of interest to his 'revolutionary' experiment. "Well darlin', yew put this magical liquid in a syringe then inject it in ya veins-" "hol' up..IN YOUR VEINS?!" you exclaim lowkey surprised as he nodded grabbing a syringe, standing up with a slight sick smile. RUN. "Yes! my brotha Vincent, got shot, but i gave him sum of this amazin' remnant, and now look at him! a healthy immortal happy man! even i, have some amount of this remnant inside me!" he explained letting the british out as your eyes widened. 'He got shot?!' you tought surprised, taken aback. "EXCUSE ME??" "yes darlin' now yew answer me sum questions.." Dave suddenly said approaching you as you stared at him with a small gasp. You didn't listen to me. "Do yew love me?" he asked with a twisted sick smile, wasn't this the way manipulations began?..the warnings from your dreams were right..why didn't you listen? knew something was off, but decided to go along with his plan and thinking. RUN.

"Yeah of course!" you answered as he nodded "do yew want us to live together forever?.." his voice changed slightly, into a mischievous one. You nodded, already growing suspicious and doubtful of where this was gonna end. "I know..wouldn't it be great? you wanna forever? be immortal?.." he was no longer using his Dave personality, whomst you got so used to, he was a whole new different person now, speaking ever so weirdly. "Yeah i guess.." you mumbled as you felt a cold touch around your wrist, slowly making circles on it, until he gently lifted it up. "Then my dear, this is the solution to my your's the key to having a happy eternal life, alongside me, is it not now?.." RUN. Dave? William?? britishly reasoned with a mischievous, even evil smile on his face as he looked at your wrist, turning it around to take looks at it. "Then my dear, would you please allow me to give ya the opportunity of eternal life?.." It is too late. Im sorry. he politely asked as you noticed him slowly lifting the full of remnant syringe up.

"I-Im not sure i want this.." you mumbled lowkey scared as you could notice him pout slightly "no need to be afraid my love, it will only hurt for a moment.." he almost growled with an evil grin, gripping onto your wrist, dragging it towards him as you gulped seeing the syringe approach your wrist. "N-No don't you dare move that thing an inch closer!" You should've took notice anon. you threatened somewhat scared as the syringe stopped right there on the spot as you could feel a cold glare upon you, you suddenly feel dragged closer towards him, a hand making its way around your waist before you feel yourself being pulled into a soft kiss. Was this manipulation? Im so sorry. probably, but you were too exhausted to think at the moment, you tought it was genuine. "Who the fuck are you.." you mumbled against his lips as William chuckled lowly. "William Afton, who else?" he mumbled, just then you felt a stinging pain in your wrist.

??? POV:
I TRIED TO WARN THEM..I REALLY DID. b-but they never listened, regardless it was warnings or just intuition, they always brushed it off..The consequences of never listening to your ⏁⊑⟒⍀. I tought watching the regret grow on their face as they realized what a big mistake they made..

It hurt.

You yelled in pain falling to your knees "WHAT DID- WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!" you yelled holding your hand who apparently went limp, you gasped, eyes widening once you saw your veins glowing a pinkish purple. NO!! YOU SHOULD'VE LISTENED...He looked down at you from above, dropping the almost empty syringe in front of you. "Can you please keep it quiet? you're gonna wake up the whole building." he repeated your words from earlier as you glared at him feeling extremely betrayed. "Be grateful! now you get to live with me forever!" William reasoned kneeling down with one of his sick and twisted smiles, placing his hand on your shoulder as you just stared at him, breathing heavily, as you could feel the adrenaline pump throughout your whole body. "You sick..twisted shit.." you growled as he pushed you by your shoulder back into the ground as he looked at you from above, chuckling. "Pathetic." he walked away as you tried to stand up and walk towards your room, tho you kept on tripping.

You felt dizzy and out of breath, what the fuck did he just inject into you?..a reasonable question was, why was he still in your house after all this? You're too kind my couldn't find the right words and the power to kick him out. God damn did he have a massive of an sighed laying down in bed, facing the ceiling as you still felt that stinging awful pain in your wrist and arm, you felt like one of those teenage mutant ninja turtles, injected with some toxin just to what? grow stronger? live longer? useless. You finally felt yourself falling asleep, and sooner you did.

??? POV:
I watched them sleep quietly. Now you're suffering just because you tought he loved you aswell and as much as you do. You were foolish, just as i was when i still had a..body sealing my soul. You made the same mistakes as i did, im sorry i couldn't stop you from doing them.

It just runs in the family...

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