Chap. 26 - Alone?..

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You jolted as you heard your alarm ring, you didn't even sleep from yesterday to now, you just..couldn't, not even with the cat plushie, knowing that it was him who won it and gifted it to you was just paining you inside, now imagining that it was him you were holding onto at night while crying your soul out? even more paining. The dreams kept on reassuring you or telling how great life would be from now on, but you just couldn't believe it, you grew close to him even if you knew of his atrocious deeds, you still loved him. Heh you couldn't even say his name, rolled off the tongue too painfully. Dave. It almost made you cry, why was it so painful? he left you and didn't even bother to say goodbye, he didn't even care in the first place, did he ever cared about you even? were questioning it for days and days to come. Questions like this weren't letting you sleep at all. They kept you awake, hanging onto you tightly, wanting their long awaited answers, tho you didn't have any to begin with, they made you grew some nasty purple eyebags. You sometimes didn't even have the motivation to take care of yourself. Question is..if he were to love you, he wouldn't disappear all of a sudden..would he? He wouldn't have been a manipulator in the first place.

You suddenly look at your bracelet and feel your eyes fill with tears again "did he..did he even keep the one i made him?.." you mumbled into the cat plushie, what if he didnt? and just threw it away like some useless junk? it probably wasn't even important. Was he tired of me? that's why he left? was i annoying? Questions like this just kept coming into your head, you groaned "SHUT UP! PLEASE JUST..SHUT UP!" you yelled crying, they went away as you looked around, at your trembling hands and your nightstand where you saw your phone placed on. You grabbed it and opened the camera then looked at your tired crying face, your eyes were red and your eyebags were a purple with grey color, you looked really tired, your face at this point was just screaming 'kill me'.  You sighed closing your phone, got up then walked to the bathroom to do your routine.

??? POV:
My little ☊⊑⟊☍⎅..i hate to see you cry, but it was for the best, you better cry now than cry later.. drowning with your own blood as you see him, your 'love', stare from above at you with a cold, lifeless face..Im so sorry.

Finishing, you change into the clothes from yesterday then look back as you see the zipper jumper on the edge of your bed, placed neatly. You looked at it for some seconds before you approached it, kneeled down and grabbed it giving it a tight hug (squeeze) as you sighed, it still smelled like him, that intoxicating awfully nice smell, the still strong scent of cologne along with the cigarettes..and the faint smell of oil too. You brought it away from your face and put it on, you then went to the mirror and stared at yourself. h/l messy h/c hair, big obvious eyebags, your everyday black wide jeans and..his black zipper jumper looking slightly oversized on you.

You hugged it then walked out of the apartment building and towards your car. Parking in the Freddy's parking lots, you quit the car then walk toward the entrance. Walking in, you see Jeremy mopping around with that guy Fritz, you didn't even bother to say hi, since Fritz took Dave's place, Jeremy spent lesser and lesser time with you, actually only focusing on Fritz, he probably almost forgot you exist, tho you were once best friends. How cruel can friendships be if someone joins inbetween. You have nothing with Fritz or him, but, you were just lonely and wanted a little company and comfort from someone, if you needed them, you got them from..him, but now from where are you supposed to get them if he left?..You sigh walking towards the slushy machine, grabbing yourself a watermelon flavored one, sitting down on the couch to think. You had to mop around just didn't feel like it, you had no motivation anymore, all you had motivation for was to cry, cry until you feel nothing no more, cry until you go numb. You sighed taking a sip of your watermelon slushy.

??? POV:
Why did i think this Jerm was..confiding. They're at their lowest and he doesn't bat an eye and keeps on talking with that..brown haired guy, i encountered him aswell. Where tho.. As about them, i didn't think they would get this..sad..

Please smile. Its for your own good.

The day eventually went by, you were on the verge of tears again, so you decided to start mopping around, to distract yourself from the memories of..him. "Cmon Fritz! we gotta get this done pronto so we have more time to hang out!" you hear Jeremy say with a big smile "but aren't we hanging out right now?" Fritz asked as you approach them "oh, hey's it working?.." you say softly, almost had no more power to smile too much or laugh or just talk loud, you were tired, tired of how unfair life is. "y/n? oh jeez you look bad.." Jeremy says scrunching his nose slightly as he feels the smell of cigarettes, as you oh'd. He approached you and looked straight to your face. "Are you okay? you look like you didn't sleep a second yesterday night..also your eyebags.." he mumbled as you sighed "i slept enough, don't worry.." you lied as he nodded "anyways...what's with this smell of..cigarettes and oil on you??" he asked as you looked at the zipper jumper. "Uhm..they're stuck on it and can't really remove's like tomato know?" you lied as he nodded slowly then turned his attention back to Fritz and kept on talking as you zoned out.

"Hey..was there anyone working here who, i dunno..looked like me?" you jolt as you hear Fritz's voice, you look at his facial features carefully, they screamed something familiar...William.

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