Chap. 20 - Damage of 'love'

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"Finally.." you mumble walking out of the pizzeria with Jeremy. "Today was hella tiring, where the fuck was Dave even, i haven't saw him all day!" he exclaimed as you shrugged "i have no fucking idea but im sure he just wanted to skip today so idk." you groan as he nods "well, im off to bed, bye n/n.." "bye Jermy.." you both said tiredly as he walked to his truck of a car, you towards your apartment building, just then you receive a phone call. "Huh?..who tf would be calling at 8pm." you say taking it out answering "hello?" "ah, hey darlin', how ar' ya?" you hear Dave on the other line making you sigh "what do you need Will." "uh, soou, my brotha and his weird boyfriend, are out ta woatch..idk, cheap walmort movies, an' they told meh ta take care of their- stoopid luvh bus." "uhuh." you mumbled. "I kneow yew most be tired, bot uh- would yew moind if yew'd help meh with this whoule..luvh bus thang?" he asked as you sighed. Devious.

"You just want to spend time with me don't ya." you said as silence was heard on the other line. "Fine, i'll be there." "thanks! luvh ya!" LIAR. he said happily then hung up as you sighed smiling, then headed towards the 'love bus' from the Walmart parking lot. Arriving there, you look at the 'bus' examining it with a straight face, then walk towards it. Just after a few seconds you see fake ass blonde hair peek out the door, then Dave walking down the stairs muttering curses under his breath until he eyed you and his mood changed in an instant, all smiley like nothing even happened.

"Oh hi darlin'!" he grinned as you smiled slightly at him. "Hi Willy." your smile turned into a smirk as you saw him frown. "I TOLD YA MILLION TOIMES NOT TO COLL ME WILLY! YA DAFT!!" he exclaimed making you puff a chuckle. "Okay Willy." he began cursing intelligible words under his breath, probably swearing at the name as you watched with a smile. He kept on getting progressively angrier, he was almost yelling about how stupid that nickname is and how much he hates it, well until you hugged him, burying his head in your shoulder. "WHA-" that's all he said before you began caressing his back with your palm mumbling little shh's. He went limp, quiet, anything to describe motionless, at some moment you even tought he fell asleep or something, he didn't tho, man literally almost whimpered when your hand reached his hair. "Ah, you like that don't you?" you mumbled, he didn't answer.

Suddenly you pulled away looking him straight in the eyes as he looked away, blush and embarrassment all over his face not even daring to look you in the eyes. "Cute." you mumbled giving him a quick peck on the lips as his eyes widened and hid his face in his hands. You pulled his hands away and gave him another kiss, he blushed even more. "STOP IT YA DAFT!!" he exclaimed kicking his feet around still blushing. Suddenly you hear a car coming really fast towards the two of you, your smile flattened once you saw Jeremy's truck of a car approaching. "HOLY FUCKING JESUS STOP THE CAR JEREMY!!" you yelled as Dave looked at the truck of a car fastly approaching. "I CAN'T!! ITS NOT STOPPING!! I CANT FIND THE BRAKES!!" he yelled as the car made a weird turn "WH- ITS THE ONE OF THE LEFT!" you hear Dave yell as then you see the truck finally going slower, finally stopping. "Oh, 'sup Dave!
n/n!" he said with a dumb smile as your eye twitched in fear. "What are ya doing out on a monday night?" he asked with a smile as both you and Dave noticed that the truck didn't actually stop, it just..slowly kept on moving towards the 'bus'.

"Jeremy." you both said "oh me? just out drivin' you know?" he said as you sighed. "Jeremy." you both said as he raised a brow "Jeez what?!" "BRAKE." you yelled as he looked at you two confused "what? i already d-" he was cut off by a thud. He quickly got out of the car and you all just looked at the damage his car did to the 'bus'. You all gasped and said just absolutely nothing. "Weeeeell it was nice catching up with ya two i'll see ya-" "OH NO YOU FUCKING DON'T!!!" Dave yelled at an almost scared Jeremy, "Daveee, come onn.." he mumbled with a guilty smile. "You just jeopardized my household!! atleast show me your insurance." he exclaimed as Jeremy kept quiet smiling guiltily. "Insuranceee?...." he mumbled as you facepalmed.

"Nevermind! let's get to work on fixing this! do you have any idea?" Jeremy asked as Dave pouted staring at the damaged metal. "..Oh, i think i've got this handled." he said running inside then came back with a pack of..stickers. You all crouched, grabbed stickers and began sticking them in different places trying to cover the damage, just then, it fell off. "Nice work." Jeremy said with a deadpan expression as you could see Dave frown in disbelief. "Oh yeah, im sure your idea is much better!" he mocked as Jeremy smirked "is that a challenge??" you sighed "stop turning everything into competitions." you said as Jeremy suddenly kicked the metal making it flop back to normal.

"Haha look at that!! it worked!" Jeremy exclaimed happily until a second hole appeared. Great. "It sure did." you sighed. "You stay at work, meh and y/n here are goin' to rest." he suddenly said as you rose a brow "huh?" Jeremy pouted. "What?! HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" he exclaimed "hm, you're right, why don't ya give me your insurance and we'll call it a day?" he said simply as Jeremy scrunched his nose pouting, saying nothing else as you feel Dave drag you to a nearby light pole, sitting down, as you sat down too and looked over to Jeremy who seemed to be thinking of a solution. "I think i should go help him.." you mumble feeling a grip on your arm, making your eyes widen "no.". "But i feel bad for him, he's my best friend tho.." you mumbled trying to stand up but you were held closely by Dave. "I said no, yew didn't do anythin', why should yew work for something yew didn't do? Let the fool work for his damage." he said as you sighed but said nothing else.

"Night darlin'! luvh ya!" FILTHY LIAR..LURING THEM INTO YOUR LITTLE DEVIOUS MASQUERADE..HOW CRUEL CAN SOMEONE BE?...he said with an unusual happy voice as you laid your head on his shoulder feeling him lay his on your head. "Night Davey, love ya too." Take notice ANON. you mumbled as you already heard soft snores from above you, was he always falling asleep so easily in your presence? did he perhaps felt safe or anything?..Shaking your head, you close your eyes slowly drifting off to sleep aswell. Several hours later, you're awoken by an "WHAT THE FUCK??" you yelp falling on the ground. "Oops, sorry darlin'." Dave said helping you up as you rubbed your head in slight pain, then saw him approach Jeremy who was..painting over the holes?.."Oh hey Dave! almost done here!" Jeremy smiled. "Urgh..well, i hope you're ready to explain yourself to Sc-" he exclaimed as you suddenly heard a vrrr and so Jeremy was gone, with the truck too, leaving you and Dave alone to deal with the problem.

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