Chap. 15 - Christmas day!

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Walking in, you're met by a really dressed up Phil with a christmas hat on his head. "Merry christmas!!" he grins as you give him a hug saying a happy merry christmas too. "Im so glad you two came!" he smiled then kept on talking about how much it took him to get this whole party ready. "By the way, when's that friend of yours..Damian coming?" he asked as you shrugged. "He should be here any moment, also, have you seen Jeremy?" you ask as he nods "he's around there in the back talking to Joan i think." you nodded thanking him then ran off to the back of the room to indeed be meet with a christmas themed Jeremy talking to Joan.

"Jeez Jeremy! i could even say you look like a christmas tree at this point!" you laughed as he looked at you then grinned and ran towards you embracing you in a tight hug as you hugged him back as tightly. He had a christmas hat on his head aswell, those types of ugly red sweaters and green sweatpants, he looked so silly it was funny adorable. "Jeez y/n, you need a christmas hat aswell!" he said grabbing one and stuffing it on your head making you laugh. "Merry christmas Jermo." you smiled "merry christmas aswell
n/n!" he grinned as you pinched one of his cheek then heard Phil call you. "y/n? your friend arrived." you turned around to indeed see a kinda, not if, really handsome grown up Damian look around the room until he spotted you. His smile widened and he ran towards you as you ran towards him too tackling him into a hug.

"DAMIII!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH OH MY GODD!!" you squealed almost crying as he squeezed you "ME TOO N/N!! I WAS SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU AGAIN!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AAAA!!" he squealed aswell as Jeremy came next to you. "Who's the dude n/n?" "Jeremy, he's Damian! my childhood friend! Damian, he's Jeremy! one of my bestest friends!" you smiled as they shook hands smirking. "Nice to meet you dude!" they both said at the same time gasping. "Dude no wayy!! i bet we're gonna be really good friends!" Jeremy exclaimed as Damian smiled "of course dude!! you seem so cool!" he smiled as you then eyed Phil. "Oh Damian! this is my boss, mr. Guy!" you said as they shook hands "nice to meet you!" "me too!" Phil responded with a smile.

??? POV:
Damian?..encountered him before. Confiding.

"Okay, i think we can open the gifts- wait, where's Dave?" Phil says as you all look around "HOWDY TEXAAAAAS!!" you suddenly hear a yell as you see Dave walk out from the hall to the parts and service room with a christmas hat on his head. "Oh, there he is." you mumble turning towards him. "Mr. Miller please stop screaming so loud or my ears are gonna bleed.." Phil says as the 'texan' notices Damian and your arm around his neck. "Will ya tell me n/n darlin', who's tha guy?" he asked almostly glaring at him, somehow still keeping his smirk. "He's-" "Im Dami-" "pardner, i asked them, not yew." he cut Damian off as you blinked confused, no need to be so rude?? "Uhm..he's Damian, my childhood friend!" you smiled awkwardly as he looked him up and down "Uhuh." he said then walked away to the entrance of the restaurant. The fuck was he doing.

"Now let's open the gifts for real." said Phil as he walked away to his office to probably grab the gifts as Jeremy ran to the exit of the pizzeria, probably to his truck of a car to also grab the gifts. "I'll be back Dami." you say also walking after Jeremy. Walking out of the restaurant you see Dave leaned on your car looking at some small wrapped up gift carefully. "What are ya doing?" you ask walking over to him as he jolts then looks at you. "Ah uh- nothin'..really." he stutters mumbling as you shake it off. "Come on, we're opening the gifts." you said grabbing some as he walked back inside after you.

As you all sat down, you sit inbetween Jeremy and Damian, next to him Phil and next to him Dave, then Joan. "Since im the guest here, i think it would be just fair of me to start giving out the gift, i didn't bring everyone one since i didn't know you all and only brought y/n-" "it's alright dude, we get it, go on!" Jeremy said smiling as Damian continued "so y/n, here's your gift!" he said handing it to you as you unwrapped it carefully then saw a fancy expensive bracelet you told Damian you wanted when you were just kids. "OH MY GOD NO WAY DAMIAN. YOU STILL REMEMBERED THAT?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU!!" you exclaimed hugging him tightly as he hugged you back. "Anything for you n/n!" he smiled as you quickly put the bracelet on then looked at it tracing the details with your finger. "Dude that looks so fancyyy..shucks y/n, you're lucky!!" Jeremy groaned with a smile as you chuckled then looked around the others to see they were all smiley except Dave, he looked gloomy as fuck, chin laid on his palm as he looked at the ground, growling inaudible things.

"Dave? are you alright?" you ask as he looks back up at you with his usual smirk. "Y-yeah, am jus' fine." he said as you nodded doubtfully then looked away because it was Jeremy's turn, you got some photos with the two of you in a pretty handmade frame. "Aww Jermyyy!! this is so pretty!! thank you so much!!" you exclaimed hugging eachother tightly. "Hey mr. Guy, i have a big surprise! come on!!" he smiled as he stood up following him, curious, you decided to follow them too, Damian after you also. "TADAAAA!!" Jeremy said as you looked into Phil's office to see a painting of a peisage with flowers and all, Phil gasped. "Did you do all this by yourself mr. Fitzgerald?.." he mumbled as Jermo nodded with a proud grin. "That's hella impressive." you hear Damian mutter as you agree.

After another few minutes, you realized it was Phil's turn, so you all walked back to the main room, and to your surprise, he got you, Joan and Jeremy some vouchers for free ice cream to an ice cream place nearby and Dave a paper with 'stop being so late! >:(' Dave frowned. It was then Joan's turn, she got you some really nice smelling perfume "i didn't really know what to get you since we don't know eachother that much but i hope you like it!" she smiled sincerely as you smiled at her "its okay Jo, really! it smells really nice! also, i'd sure love to get to know you better! call me when you wanna hang out!" you smiled "sure will n/n!" she puffed a chuckle as then it was Dave's turn.

He looked up at all of you then leaned back on his hands. "I ain't got no gifts." he simply said making everyone groan, except you. Then what was the deal with that box he was holding earlier?

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