Chap. 25 - Missed him more than you tought..

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"Oh come on Jeremy, cheer up! i bet it's gonna be someone nice!" you mumbled with a small smile as he cleaned the slushie machine "i was optimistic at first, but...with my experience at great skate..i feel like there's only a few ways this can end.." he mumbled as you sighed "it's gonna be finee..i promise." "whatever. I gotta stay positive. Maybe by some chance-" he got cut off by a slam as he looked to the side only to see a guy apparently his age walk inside. "Oh uh- hey! you must be the new- guy..." he mumbled as you saw a blush creep up on his face, you smiled to yourself. "Uh- new, am i too early?" the guy said as he took of his glasses, Jeremy gasped as the slushy spilled out of his cup. "Oh god Jeremy." you sighed grabbing his hand and turning off the machine as he didn't even seem to notice, he was too focused on the guy in front of him. "No- no, you're cool! uh- Im Jeremy! it's nice to meet you, uh.." "Fritz" the other guy said as Jeremy repeated it, both of them blushed, eyes widen.

They just stared at eachother not breaking the handshake, they did eventually. "Er..hol' up a sec.." Jeremy awkwardly said as he ran over to the cup full of slushy, slammed it against his face then wiped it off, aw, he tried to hide the blush, cute, didn't really work tho. "Well looks like me, you and them over there will work the day shift together!, Fritz! Hope you're ready for Freddy!" he exclaimed as the Fritz looked over at you as you smiled "im y/n!" you said softly as he smiled "nice to meet you!" he spoke then turned his attention back to Jeremy. "Mr. Guy left me in charge of showing you the ropes, so come on!" he said as they quit the room and wandered off around the restaurant.

Your smile dropped, you went to the machine and got yourself a watermelon slushy, then sat down on the nearby couch, sipping from it slowly as you zoned out. You couldn't hold it in anymore, you put the slushy beside you and began crying, burying your head in your knees, still feeling the smell of cologne, oil and cigarettes together come of the zipper jumper. 'Where are you..' you tought wiping your tears away, taking another sip of your slushy. Later on you stood up and walked towards the entrance where you saw Joan, Jeremy and Fritz talking, you approached them with a small smile, then you noticed the mekaslushy from Fritz's hands, guess Jeremy wanted him to try it too, boy wasn't it tasty.

You zoned out then zoned in again when you heard Jeremy exclaim "Look at us. We're already best bros. I feel like i've known you for years! Im looking forward to getting to know you better Fritz! you're a pretty radical guy!" he grinned as the both of them blushed "h-hopefully better than dave?.." you looked up at them, just listening in the conversation, they didn't even notice you there. They all laughed loudly. "Infinitely." Joan said wiping a way a tear as you just looked at them fiddling with the paper straw of the slushy, expecting worser. "That guy liked his slushies watermelon flavored!! you know..he's fucked up by that alone." Jeremy exclaimed as you looked down at your apparently watermelon slushy, why did you get that flavor? you used to like the strawberry one, didn't you? did it all meant anything? were you as fucked up as Jeremy said just because of a watermelon slushy? you felt your hands tremble.

"God, do we have some stories about that dickhead!" Jeremy finished as you found yourself staring at your hands holding the slushy cup, and then noticed..his zipper jumper's sleeves reaching over your knuckles. You wore it everyday, everywhere, you stared at it, it was the only part left of him with you, the rest were just memories, if not vague, you clinged onto it like your life depended on it, you honestly wonder how no one noticed how often you wore it actually. 'Wait, what did Jeremy just say? dickhead?' you tought as your eyes widened, your heart just breaking more, how could he..You felt your hands tremble again. "But that's a story for another day, or three!" he finished as they all laughed, yet again. Tears crept up in your eyes, your hands trembled so much, that you dropped your slushy on the floor. spilling over everywhere. The three looked over at the thud it made but before they could even catch a small glimpse of your almost crying figure you ran, bursting through the entrance glass doors and towards your car. You just needed a hug, where was he when you needed him the most?..

??? POV:
I glanced upon the three of them, they looked the most upset of them all. Why tho? was supposed to be a happy moment! they were finally free from his devious manipulation and fake words! finally no one was using them to reach their goals. So why were they sad? i wish i could hug them right now, my little ☊⊑⟊⌰⎅...

"Was that.." Jeremy mumbled like he'd seen a ghost " was them.." Joan said not scared at all as Fritz just stared confused. Jeremy approached the spilled slushy on the floor, knelt down then dragged his finger through it, bringing it to his nose to smell it. "Watermelon??..why would they drink this.." he mumbled then remembered about the times you two were with eachother, and that moment at the state fair he caught the two of you making out, he didn't know to this day if he saw it right or not, but it was still something. He stood up "they loved him." he muttered to himself staring at the slushy but snapped back to reality as he felt Joan's hand on his shoulder. "You okay?.." she asks "yeah, im fine Jo, thanks for asking." he said with a warm smile.

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