Chap. 16 - Cold confessions

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"You suck." Jeremy rolled his eyes sticking his tongue out. "I ain't wastin' mah money on y'all." he said eyeing you for a second then looked away. Jeremy, and Joan soon stood up as her parents came for a visit with what seemed to be Joan's baby pictures, poor her was never more embarrassed than that. Phil walked to the entrance due to some cops walking in all drunk, he tried driving them away or something, it worked..somehow. You surely kept on admiring the bracelet as you suddenly feel Damian's arm around your neck, it made you blush slightly, but you brushed it off. "It looks really pretty on you.." he mumbled against your hair as you nodded slowly. "Mhm! i love the stones..and the gold all mixing together, it gives egyptian look!" you exclaimed smiling as he nodded letting out an mhm. "These are sapphire stones..really pretty, like you." he mumbled the last part as you blushed even more looking up at him, both of you keeping eye contact until he suddenly leaned in slowly.

"Ahem, y/ yer mind if we hav' a tolk?" you jolt as you hear Dave ask, you completely forgot he was here. "Oh uhm..sure!" you say as you could see Damian frown looking away, and so you got up and the both of you walked outside of the pizzeria. "Oi! wot's with all thot! whoy's that dude all over yew?!" he asks dropping the Texan personality while taking a cig out, lighting it up and inhaling the smoke. "What do you mean? we're just friends, he's not all..over me or whatever." you say "he was about to kiss yew." he says as you rise a brow confused. "So what? im not in a relationship to say im cheating, he's a friend and i do believe he's pretty handsome, what's your problem with it??" you reasoned as he inhaled some smoke again. "Just stay away from him." he britishly said sounding half threatening as you got even more confused.

"Why should i?! he's my best friend! come on now!!" you yelled "i don't want to see yew anywhere near him. Understood?!" "god..DUDE WHY?? HE'S LIKE MY BEST CHILDHOOD FRIEND?? WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?! ARE YOU JEALOUS OR WHAT?!!" "WOT CAN'T YEW UNDERSTAND! I AIN'T JEALOUS OR ANYTHANG! I JUST DON'T WANT YEW NEAR THAT BLOODY BLOKE!!" he yelled aswell as you grew so mad you could probably rip a stone apart. "WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT I DO?! ITS NOT LIKE YOU LOVE ME OR SOMETHING!!" you groaned rubbing your temples. "YES I DO. GOD..DO YEW EVER SHUT OP THOT BLOODY MOUTH OF YOURS?!!" Liar. he yelled back stomping on the cig as you fell speechless, your eyes widening.

"Did you just-" "yes, oi know it may sound fake and all but i do love yew, and i don't wanna see yew aroun' him. Yew' suppose' to be mine." Liar. was he genuine?!! was he lying?? it seemed like a form of manipulation but honest at the same time, were you having a concussion?? did he even mean it?! You're interrupted from your train of toughts when you suddenly feel yourself being pulled into a tight embrace. Your face was red and your legs wobbly, still processing what the fuck happened. "Is this..true? are you lying?.." you mumble asking "no, im jost bein' honest. Please moine." Liar. he pleaded britishly as your face heated up even more. "Y-You mean as in dating?!" he nods against your hair making you scream internally. " 'Course darlin', do ya..want it?" he asks as you look up at him literally flabbergasted, but nod and hug him tighter.

Damian was waiting impatiently on the ground, all alone, when were you gonna come back? what were you doing?? He stood up sighing then walked towards the exit where you've walked to earlier. "Where is she..i need to-" he's been cut off from his words when he peaked his head out of the glass doors and saw you and Dave hugging. Im so sorry you had to take notice of the sight Damian. His eyes widened in disbelief, what were you doing?? you were supposed to be his, he wanted to confess to you after the kiss that the texan asshole interrupted..not fair. So he just kept on watching to see what was gonna happen.

"Ahem..merry christmas.." the texan mumbled flusteredly as he took out a small wrapped box. 'Oh, it's the box from earlier..' you think as he places it in your hands. "I tought you said you didn't waste money on us." you chuckled slightly smirking as he shrugged "those were moy last maney and oi couldn't bring moyself to use them to buy someone else somethin'." Liar. he britishly said as you oh'd. "And how comes you decided to buy me a gift? you could've bought mr. Guy one, i mean, you're pretty close friends, aren't ya?" you puffed a chuckle as he didn't answer, just looked away taking another cigarette out. "you made me waste my cig." he hmphed as you laughed "stop avoiding the question Willy." "yew know the answer yaself, don't ya n/n?" you nodded.

"Mhm, overall im thankful for this, im glad i was that 'special' to be given a christmas gift from you." you puff a chuckle as he exhales some smoke then quickly ruffles your hair. "Hey! you're messing it up, stop!" you smacked his hand off then focused on the gift, what was inside?. 'Willy?? hair ruffles? HUGS??? what's all this supposed to mean?? my dear y/n..what are you into?..' Damian tought as he kept on watching, feeling his heart break apart slowly for no reason. 'I should be the one they should be fretting over!' he tought almost tearing up.

You carefully unwrapped the gift only to be met with a red velvet-ish box, slowly opening it, you noticed aaa..silver necklace inside, with a small grey heart pendant, cheesy. You took it out growing confused second by second, you honestly never saw Dave care enough to buy even a small gift or anything, this was truly surprising. Devious manipulator. Please wake up Y/n. Wake up. Take notice of the peril. "So, do yer like it?" you grew speechless as you were tracing its details with your fingers. "Oi" you jolted back to reality. "O-Oh yeah..of course!! it's gorgeous! thank you so much!" you grinned genuinely, placing it around your neck. "So? how does it look?" you ask grinning as he cracked a smile leaning closer to look at it. "Looks great on ya darlin'." he mumbled suddenly grabbing your chin, pulling you into a kiss. Damian gasped tearing up.

'W-What?..what..w-why aren't they pulling him away?..' he tought as he could feel his tears roll down his face once you deepened the kiss, making out, yet..again. Damian dropped down to his knees feeling his heart break in millions of small pieces, he loved you, he always did, since you were just kids..he kept on following your account, liking each and each of your pictures, gazing over your silhouette and your pretty face, imagining himself and you being a happy couple who love eachother so much..but here you were..kissing another man and not him. He began crying violently burying his head in his knees.

As you pulled away, you smiled softly as Dave looked away covering his face, perhaps, even surely, blushing. "Aw, someone's blushinnnn!" you teased as he nudged your shoulder covering his face more. "Stap it ya daft!!" he exclaimed smacking your hands again making you laugh more. "My turn!!" you exclaimed reaching in your pocket for something as Dave watched curiously as to what you could take out. "Made this bracelet just for you! now we have matching ones!" you exclaimed smiling, taking a bracelet identical with the one on your wrist out as he stared at it for quite a few seconds, then smiled slightly and with your help, he put it on his wrist. "Promise you'll wear it? i know it's not that pretty shows how much i love you." you mumbled smiling, looking down. He smiled aswell looking at it "i promise luvh! also, it's gorgeous! 'course i'll wear it!" Liar. he said as you smiled lovingly then pulled him in for a kiss, as he kissed you back.

??? POV:
I glanced upon them maintaining another soul kiss, they succumbed to his devious words and gifts, they're dancing with danger. I yearn i could stop them before it's too late, before they have to endure what i had to, back when he..he looked at me coldly, a knife in his hand as i was draining in my own pool of blood. I was foolish.

Take notice anon.

Pulling away, you smile, "we should go back inside." you say turning around but suddenly feel your wrists grabbed, stopping you. "Huh?" "alroight, but i don't want yew near thot Damian, no huggin or kissin or wotevah. Yer moine, k?" Liar. he said as you blushed but nodded. "Fine, be as you say Willy." "HEY! I SAID NOT TO CALL MEH WILLY YA BLOODY DAFT!!" he exclaimed running after you as you laughed and ran inside the restaurant seeing Damian on the floor seemingly gloomy as he played with his shoelaces.

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