Chap. 11 - EB convention (2/3)

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Standing up, you walk 10 meters away just to indeed find a beach ball. "Haven't played with these in ages.." you smiled, then decided to take off your clothes, remaining only in your f/c, one piece swimsuit you have been wearing underneath since morning. Grabbing the beach ball, you walk towards the water and walk in, until the water reaches just below your chest, and so you throw the beach ball around, swimming after it right after you throw it. "Ow ow ow ow-" you winced stepping on pointy things. Walking towards the shore, you kneel down and search below the water for what could've been so pointy, taking one out, you realize its a pretty, spiraled shell, but there's more..and you were right, you get even more out as you scoop the ground with your hand. Finishing, you placed all the 5 different shells down lookin at them and their details carefully.

"So beautiful.." you mumbled taking each of them in your hands tracing their details with your fingers. "Indeed they are, yer hav' a keen eye for 'em shells." "OH GOD SWEET MOTHER OF JE-" you turn around then sigh as you see Dave peeking over your shoulder, only in his damned texan trunks, veeery patriotic. "God damn it, you scared the shit out of me." you pant trying to calm your heartbeating. "Oh, oopsies, sorry darlin'." he smiled awkwardly as you sighed deeply. "What are you doing here, how did you get here and when." you ask multiple questions as he just stared at you. "Well, just wanted to take a'break from a' so i ran away when they weren't watchin', saw the fence, jumped over and then saw yer too, collectin' 'em shellies. Got her' just a min' ago." he said as you oh'd "well that explains most of this." you mumble looking away.

Why was he here, you can't have any peace can you?. "Well, i have this beach ball, wanna play catch?" you ask standing up as he nods with his usual smirk, standing up aswell. Walking into the water you stabilize yourself to the ground then throw the beach ball at him as he almost catches it but drops it, he then throws it back at you, and so you keep on doing this for quite some minutes now, basically safe and relaxing volleyball, well, until Dave throws the ball too hard and it hits your face, making you loose ground and almost fall under the water. Regaining stability, you pout then splash him with a big wave of water you just made with your hands. He gasped offended, it made you chuckle. "YOU DESERVED IT!!" you exclaim laughing as he pouts "WELL YER COME HERE!!" he yelled starting to run after you as you laughed more swimming to the shore.

"MAD??" you yelled running on the sand almost tripping quite some times as he was following close behind. "STOP FOLLOWING ME WILL YA-" "NOT UNTIL I GET TO YER!!" he yells from behind seemingly getting closer. "WHY ARE YOU SO FAST-" you say trying to sprint up, but just then you feel yourself getting tackled to the ground. "OH COME ON!!" you laughed trying to escape but to no success, so you just gave up and waited to see whatever was about to come as drops of cold ocean water we're rolling off the Texan and onto your body. "Get off me." you said pouting as Dave shook his head. "What do you mean no, follow the orders and get off!" "yer ain't givin' me any orders darlin', i ain't lis'nin' anyways." he said as you rolled your eyes then just stared at him pouting, well the pout disappeared after some seconds and it was just pure staring, like the both of you wanted to do or say something but didn't even have the courage to.

"Your eyes are pretty.." you mumble unconsciously, not processing a single thing you said, just after a few seconds you realized and grew embarrassed as Dave? Dave got no bother, he still kept on staring at you like he discovered some antic treasure or something. "Yers too." he simply said as you oh'd blushing again, entering that trance of staring like earlier again, your brain wasn't thinking for you anymore, it was unresponsive and your mind was just blank, and just as your brain began working again, you felt his lips lock against yours in a passionate kiss. Your eyes widened a lot and your face heated up, blush all over it as your brain slowly processed what the fuck just happened, but who were you to pull away at this moment, you literally just got what you've been craving for.

Screaming internally, you feel Dave pull away then stare into your eyes with a genuine smile as you blushed even more, looking away at the sky, either the sand. He cupped one of your cheeks, making small circles with his thumb as he then collapsed on top of you, nuzzling your neck still keeping his hand on your cheek as you felt like your head was about to explode in any second, you simply felt paralyzed, unable to move. The thing is that you made out the night before, but you were both drunk and didn't remember much of it, but now what the fuck was happening?? he's not even drunk! in the slightest, it was confusing, why was he doing this just now? all of a sudden like this, was it because of the presence of Phil and Jeremy?? These questions were continuously running through your head as you jolt back to reality when you hear Dave speak. "I love you." Liar.

Wait WHAT?!

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