Chap. 32 - Drugged b-day ideas.

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Your eyes open, your vision was blurry, and you swore you could still see the bright white light..nope, it was just your bright white bathroom neon light. Blinking repeatedly, your vision clears, you noticed you were in the bathroom, right where you blacked out, then you noticed a worried figure above you glancing at your probably confused face. Dave. "Y/n? n/n?? luvh?" he mumbled cupping your face as you looked at him with a dumbfounded confused face, you honestly looked high and drugged at the same time. "Heyyy.." he mumbled again as you slowly brought your hands up to your eyes, rubbing them letting out a small groan. "What..happened.." you somehow mumbled even if you had a throbbing headache. "Well, i walked in and found yew blacked out on the floor.." he mumbled as you groaned again, sitting up, feeling vague and messed up images flood your mind all of a sudden, all had the killer in it, your father, then you saw your mother, smiling warmly at you with her godly attire.

He lied to you all this time, he said he was the good guy and your mom was the devil trying to harm you, and you believed him for a long time, what a manipulator he was. Were the warnings from your dreams gonna go away now that you met your mom?..Was this whole dream, perhaps the side effects of the remnant?..You felt yourself tear up and start crying loudly, remembering about your father's deeds was just..too much for you to take in. "Darlin'? wot's wron'?.." Dave asked grabbing onto your shoulders as you pulled him into a long tight hug, crying your heart out and seeking comfort. He hugged you back "please tell meh.." your breath hitched as you tried to reminisce the trauma that showed itself in your dream, if you can even call it that, then tried to remember the small dialogue you had with your mom..and soon spoke as he laid against the bathroom wall, listening carefully to whatever you had to say while you sobbed into his shoulder.

"And..he tried to kill me.." you mumbled finishing "as he should've.." you heard a demonic like whisper in your ear, your eyes widened "what?.." you muttered in disbelief, lifting your head up to look at the texan questioningly. He rose a brow as he saw you look at him with eyes widened, "is..sum'fin' wrong? also, sorry for all that happen', yew didn't deserve all these." he mumbled as you ignored the whisper and buried your face in his shoulder again, sighing, sooner falling asleep. You felt safe around him, even tho he was William, whomst you'd like to aggressively punch in the face, but he was also Dave, that silly little skrunkly Texan, you loved him, so you couldn't really do it.

After a few hours, you are awaken by a phone ring then hear a britishly enough texan yell, completely destroying your eardrums, and your sense of hearing. "BLOODY FOCK-" he yelled again "JESUS DAVE. CAN YA NOT YELL IN MY EAR LIKE YOU'RE IN A CRAZY RODEO OR SOMETHING?!" you yelled aswell, taking your phone out as he oh'd "sorry darlin' BUT THAT THING WOKE M-" "shush." you shushed him by pressing your index finger against his lips, as he confusedly stared at you answering the phone call "hello?" you mumbled hearing some noises on the other side "ah- HELLO N/NNNN!!!" Jeremy yelled into his phone making you remove your phone away from your ear for a few seconds as you felt your eardrum ring. "Who's on tha pho-" "i said quiet Dave." you said focusing again on the phone call as he crossed his arms, and pouted looking away. "HUHH?? QUIET WHO??" Jeremy yelled making your right ear hurt again. "You Jeremy, you're hurting my whole hearing system with your yellings..please talk more quietly." you mumble not even sticking your phone to your ear at this point due to how loud he was yelling.

"HUH? YA WANT ME TO BE QUIET??" "YES!!" you yelled back as you heard a long groan, not knowing if it was Dave, or Jeremy, at this point, you sighed. "Anyways, why did you call?" you asked hearing a few noises again and loud breath, making you regret answering the call. "TOMORROW'S YOUR BIRTHDAY N/NNNN!!!" he yelled as your eyes widened in utmost surprise "wait it is??" you ask yourself hearing a loud 'uhuh' from the other side of the phone "WE SHOULD CELEBRATE." Jeremy continued to yell for some reason as you sighed, "we have work tomorrow Jeremy." you heard him chuckle, boi didn't he sound high. "SO WHAAAAT..WE CAN STILL THROW A BIG..PARTYYY!! WITH TONZ OF LOUD MUSIC AND LOTSA..DECORATIONZZZ.." you sighed almost chuckling.

"Jeremy love, no, we can't, Phil will probably just freak out." "PFFFTT NAWW!! I'LL..I'LL no..FRITZY HERE WILL TALK WITH PHILLYYYY..YOU'LL HAVE A BIG PARTY DONE IN NO TIME! EHEHEE.." you facepalmed chuckling. "Jermy, no..don't ask Phil anything, i don't need any big parties, really. My birthday feels just like any other ordinary day, i don't feel like celebrating it." you explained as he groaned. "NO! I'LL STILL ASK PHILY..I MEAN..MR. GEEE..ABOUT ITTTT!!!" "but-" "NAW NAWW! I DONT WANNA HEAR ANY MORE WORDSSS..YA GETTIN A BIG PARTY AND THAT'S ITTTT!!!!" and with that said, more like yelled, he hung up making you sigh, hoping that he was just high and wasn't gonna actually plan such a big party for an ordinary day like tomorrow.

You then look at Dave, who was still slightly pouting. "What ya pouting over cowboy?" you ask with a small sly smile as he frowns slightly "no one tells me when to shut up!! get it?!" he britishly yelled, and continued yelling little complaints. "Uhuh sure sure." you said standing up, not even listening to most of his complaints and words. He stood up aswell "come on, im hungry, i wanna eat something and i have no more money for food..apparently." you said walking down the hallway as he followed you, you, then you turned around and held your hand out "so hand me your money." his eyes widened and he frowned crossing his arms "i ain't givin' yew shit!!" he exclaimed "aha, is that so? how about when i get my salary you don't get any food from it or anything at all hm? how does that sound like? you'd perhaps starve? orr hand me the money and i'll keep feeding you from my low ass Freddy Fartbear's pizza salary??" you asked laying a hand on your hip, rising a brow as he kept quiet for a little, you seemed to had him backed up and cornered, with no option but to either starve or hand you the money. Good thinking Y/n.

After half of a minute he groaned and aggressively stuck his hand through his pocket searching for his almost empty, probably full of cobweb wallet. He took it out, opened it and gave you his very last money, around..30 dollars to be precise, where did he even get those from. "Where did you get these dollars from, you usually have no money." you ask as he rolls his eyes "i've always had them yew daft!" you sighed "i swear Dave..if you took these from my wallet while i wasn't looking.." "naw darlin', could never." he said as you stuffed them into your pocket, rumpling them even more than they were already. "Alright, i trust you..also, for giving me your last money, i'll perhaps get you some food, so ya don't say im selfish." you say putting on your shoes as he oh'd thanking you. "Don't burn the whole apartment building down while im gone." and with that said, you walked out the door, leaving a seemingly angry Dave to his frustrations about how he's not that idiot to do so, tho you swore he could, at any moment.

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