Chap. 6 - Sleepless nights

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"Yeah dude! and after he destroyed my tickets, he literally walked away to get a broom and clean it up for me!! like he didn't even say sorry!! he just-" "Jeremy please, it's been an hour and a half since you started ranting about your tickets, im sorry for them but my head hurts and i can't deal with it now." you cut him off while rubbing your temples. "Are you okay n/n?" he asked sitting down next to you as you shrugged. "I don't know..i didn't sleep all that well these past days like, idk..but toughts are trying to consume me literally. For the past days, i felt like something was trying to talk to me, give me a message, a warning perhaps, it kept appearing in my dreams, a familiar silhouette, i didn't recognize it tho. Im just too tired t-" "What're yer two doin here." you're cut off by a Texan accent, Dave. "We're just talking." says Jeremy as you see the 'natural blonde' sit down next to you.

"Talkin'? 'bout wot?" "n/n hasn't been sleeping well these past days or even at all as they said  because of some weird messages or whatever they said, and i was trying to see if i can get them to tell me how have they been seeing them." Jeremy explained with a naive smile as you brought your knees to your head and tried to maybe catch a glimpse of sleep on the behalf of their conversation. "Oi darlin', what's a'matter can't ya sleep." you hear the Texan say as you then feel a hand rest a top of your head, making you stiffen and your face heat up. "I-Its nothing." you stutter as Jeremy rises a brow trying to maybe connect the dots. "Im just consumed by toughts and weird messages. Nothing else." you mumble lifting your head up making the hand fall off your head too. "So toughts..ey?" you turn to face Jeremy, chin rested on your knees, nodding.

??? POV:
I made my mark on them, finally, they will perhaps listen. The manipulator's words, they've been used again, the peril is rising concomitantly as they gain faith in him, they'll end up like me if they don't take notice anon. I yearn for your welfare Y/n.

He then looked at your face and saw your slightly flustered expression, then it clicked while a big smirk crept on his face. "Is it perhaps..because of a crush?" he wiggled his eyebrows leaning closer as you pushed his face away and blushed more "W-WHAT- NO! OF COURSE N-NOT!!" you stuttered again "your face says something else missy." he mumbled as you continuously nudged his shoulder "SHUT UP!!" he laughed. Then you crossed your arms and pouted. "Look wot yer did Fitzgerald! yer made my y/n mad!" you hear Dave coo as you suddenly feel yanked softly, your side face hitting something soft, you notice his arm around your neck then realize that your head's laying on his chest, your eyes widen and your face heats up, a lot. What. The. Fuck. Was. HAPPENING?!!

"Oi Miller, leave them be." you heard Jeremy mocking a british accent just before you fell down on his lap then the floor. "JEREMY!!" you yelled rubbing your lower back. "Oh oops. sorry." he said lending you a hand, helping you up as you sat back down on the couch. "So, have you heard of the employee bonding convention from this weekend?" Jeremy asked with a cat smile on his face as you raised a brow confused. "Employee..bonding?? huh? no, what's that??" you muttered as he was slightly taken aback. "You didn't see the notice in the parts and service room??" you shook your head "i don't wander around that part, i don't even remember most things im seeing since i haven't slept enough lately. MY BRAIN IS UNRESPONSIVE JEREMY." you groaned as he laughed softly.

"It's fine, so let me tell you about this whole convention thingie, we all basically go to Vegas by bus and stay at some luxurious ass hotel!! then there's activities and all like three legged race i think and more games like this, that requires 2 or more people, you know, so they can bond." he explained as you oh'd "mhm! we leave this saturday!" "TOMORROW??" "yeah- also uh, it's mandatory" "says who." "Fazbear Entertainment apparently." he shrugged as you oh'd again. "Well no bother, i'd love to come really! can we like, partner up for most of the games??" you asked grinning as he smiled genuinely at you, slight pink dusting his cheeks. "Oh sure! it's gonna be so fun!" he said lifting you up, doing some victory dance as you began copying him. Dave just watched, in pure judgement.

"Talkin' 'bout competitions.." the Texan suddenly began speaking as you both stopped dancing and looked at him. "Ya see, back in Texas-" "cut it off Miller, no one wants to hear your old Texas stories." said Jeremy as you nudged his shoulder. "I honestly wanna hear them, atleast i can get rid of those toughts that consume me. So go ahead Dave." you said sitting back down as he smirked at a pouting, slightly disgusted Jeremy. "Okay, just come back when you're tired of it. If not, see ya tomorrow." he said quitting the room leaving you two alone. "So ya see darlin', back in Texas.." and he began rumbling about the most random things ever, you still kept on listening carefully to whatever he said, it was interesting tho, anything to block out those toughts.

??? POV:
Are they trying to shun my messages?..Do they not really take notice of the peril Dave is engendering upon them?..the devious words have been said once again, they're not discerning the meaning. They shall see me anon.

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