Chap. 14 - Expected guest

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Reaching the apartment, you unlock the door then walk inside. "So uh, where am i gonna sleep?" Dave asked letting the british out again as you immediately answered with "the couch" as he leaned into your face with that dumb smirk of his. "Aw come onn! we slept togetha so many toimes and now you're making me sleep on tha couch?" he groaned in a slight joking manner "it was only two days Dave. two days." you say as he throws his arm around your shoulder making you wobble a bit. If you were to be honest, you really wondered how it would feel to have someone you liked besides you, sleeping, was it nice? was it bad?? you never knew. "Two days in which we made out, for loike, 3 times! aaaand slept on eachotha for loike, 3 toimes!" he reasoned repeating his words making you puff a chuckle.

"I bet you'd be finding even the most stupid, but believable reason to say just so you can crash in with me, would ya." you laughed quietly. "Yes. ya bet i would." he simply said making you oh then keep quiet for a few seconds, more than 10 surely, then you sigh. "Fine, you can crash in with me, just let me sleep properly." you said as he grinned "yea, fine." and so you walked towards the bedroom as he closely followed behind, almost hopping. Walking in the bedroom you walk over to the wardrobe, get some clothes then push Dave out, as he confusedly stared at you. "Wait here." you said closing the door, locking it as you then changed into some more comfy clothes.

Opening the door, you looked at him with a stern face, actually no, you were just tired as he played with the rim of his black zipper jumper. "Do you have any clean clothes with you?" you asked as Dave shook his head not looking away making you sigh quietly. "I guess it's fine." you said walking towards the bed, laying down, as he followed you and literally threw himself on it making you jump slightly from the weight. "Easier cowboy." "sorry darlin'! a texan got ta make his appearance remembe'd!" he proudly said as you looked him up and down then laughed. "Never heard something more british than this!" you joked laughing as he pouted "oi shot yer bloody mouth ya daft!" he exclaimed making you laugh even more as he suddenly pulled you closer sticking his body to yours, you stopped laughing.

"Wot, cat got yer tongue?" he teased as you rolled your eyes nudging his arm. "Shut up Miller." you mumbled adjusting yourself, your head now on his shoulder. "No you!" he hmph'd clinging onto you tightly, laying his face in your hair making you chuckle. "Fine fine, goodnight you silly Texan." you mumbled snuggling up to him as he mumbled a 'night darlin'. Just after a minute you heard soft snores coming from above you, it was cute, tho his heartbeat was calming, it made you drift off to sleep quicker, it was soothing and nice. Huh, so that's how it feels to cuddle someone to sleep, lovely.

??? POV:
"Lovely? please my dear, don't succumb into his masquerade, he's trying to harm you, harm you deviously to get what he desires of you, wake up, please wake up before it's too late. W a k e  u p." You only brushed it away at dawn, not bearing it to mind. Take notice anon.

And so, Dave kept on crashing at your place for the next days, even weeks, you actually got used to his presence around you or in the house at this point, it wasn't that big of a deal, you loved his presence so who were you to complain? also, christmas was getting closer and closer, and so Phil invited the two of you and probably Jeremy and Joan too to this christmas party he was hosting, really nice of him. You also received a message from your childhood friend Damian, you haven't saw him in years, you honestly missed him, like lots, so you decided to tell him about the christmas party, Phil was hosting in like two weeks or so and he said he would love to come to it and meet with you again, so you called Phil about it, surprisingly, he was fine with it, so you told Damian about it and so, it was setted to meet on christmas.

-Christmas day-

You groaned hearing the alarm ring, slowly gaining your consciousness back. "Fucking hellll..." you groaned again reaching to turn it off. " car..ful ya daft!" you suddenly heard a british groan, Dave of course. He was apparently ontop of you, spreaded around like butter on a bread slice, holding you tightly, and when you reached for the phone, he fell off. You laughed "sorry Davey." he pouted as you grabbed your phone and looked at your notifications, then saw the date too. "OH." "wot." he exclaimed as you showed him your phone making him rise a brow. "Wot ya showin' meh?" you headpalmed "the date silly, it's christmas." you flicked his forehead as he grabbed onto your wrist. "Stop hitting me ya bloody daft!!" he exclaimed as you flicked his forehead with your other hand then got up.

"Come on, get up, we have to get to that christmas party." you said as he groaned getting up. "It was really nice of Phil to invite us." you mumble grabbing some clothes from the wardrobe. "Couldn't be more excited." Dave groaned with a tint of sarcasm as you rolled your eyes. "I don't care, we need to show up." you groaned walking out of the room. Sooner, you both got the car and drove to Freddy's.

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