Chap. 12 - EB convention (3/3)

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"W-Wait you r-really-" you stutter as you feel him nod against your shoulder. Liar. "Oh.." you mumble smiling to yourself. "So, do yer luvh me back or wot?" you jolt out of your thoughts from his somewhat angry exclaim as you blush and unconsciously pull him into a hug nodding against his head "y-yeah..of course.." you mumble. "Well, this was very sudden." you mumble as he shrugs, just then you hear some steps running towards the fence. "Get off i hear someone." you say sitting up, grabbing your shells from the ground, pretending to look at them as Dave was watching you confusedly. "Huh- what's goin' on." "Jeremy or Phil must be looking for us." you say as the steps get closer to the fence.

Just then, you see blonde hair peek above then golden eyes. "THEY'RE HERE BOSS!!" Jeremy exclaims as you look back at Dave, who still seemed confused. "Yer wer' roight. Keen ears i must say!" he says as you crack a small smile then turn back to Jeremy only to see Phil's head peek too, well tried to, he was rather short, shorter than Dave for sure. "What in the world are you two doing here?!! we were worried sick!!" Phil exclaimed as you stood up with the shells in your hand "i was just trying to collect some shells mr. Guy, then apparently, Dave decided to join me." you said as he sighed deeply. "Fine, just never leave again without my permission, now come back." Phil said getting off the fence as you two walked towards it, Jeremy still being there looking at the two of you.

"Need a hand?" he asked with a smile sticking his hand out as you smiled sweetly at him "no need Jermo." you mumbled as Dave was the first one to climb up and onto the other side of the fence as you climbed up after him, with a little help from Jeremy. "Thanks dude!" you mumbled jumping down as he got off the fence too. "Now please stop wandering off! this applies to all of you!" Phil said crossing his arms as you grinned awkwardly. "Uh, y-yes! sorry." you chuckled awkwardly.


"We made it the whole day without getting fired, somehow.." Phil sighed reliefed as then he noticed Chauncey walking towards the 4 of you. "Well, i just spoke to the coordinators. I don't know how you did it, but they told me they've never seen a group as discordant as the 4 of you." he spoke then continued "in fact, they suggested you go on more bonding outings as a team on your own time. Im flabbergasted really." he finished as you all just stared at him. "Sounds sublime." Phil said careless "oh hell yeah!!" both you and Jeremy exclaimed high fiving. "Well, i think its time to go." Phil said as you all followed him to the bus with your luggages after you.

Getting inside, you go sit at the back of the bus as Jeremy plops next to you tiredly after half a minute. "Oh jeez im tired.." he said as you nodded, almost on the verge of sleep, lucky you were that he didn't remember about that stupid little road song of his, nope, he just did. "OH, I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT MY LITTLE SONG!!" he exclaimed as you groaned "Jeremy, please n-" "NINETY-NINE BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALLLL!!" and he kept on doing this for quite some time, it grew so annoying that you decided to sit on the front seat, next to Dave hoping that it'll block the sound a little, of course it didn't, what logic is that. "Im gon' stab that kid." you hear Dave growl as you rub your eyes tiredly. "Leave him be..he's a nice kid." you mumbled laying your head on his shoulder. "Now please just let me catch some sleep.." you yawned as he trailed his hand up your arm and to your hair, slowly playing with a strand as he soon grew pretty tired too and you most likely ended up falling asleep in the same position from a day ago. You fell asleep really quick tho, even with Jeremy's loud singing apparently.

"Wakey wakeyyyy!!" you hear Jeremy exclaim as you feel shaken aggressively. "Huh?? what's up.." "OI YOU BLOKE-" you hear an aggressive british yell making you yelp. "We're back at the restaurant you idiots." Jeremy said with a wide smile as you chuckled "OI, WHO YER CALLIN' IDIOT YA PISSHEAD?!" Dave yells as Jeremy  frowns slightly. "Do you know how to take a joke?? come on n/n." Jeremy said rolling his eyes, dragging you after him as you almost tripped on your own shoelaces. Getting off the bus, Jeremy hugs you tightly. "I'll miss yaa.." he said as you rose a brow hugging him back. "We're literally seeing eachother on monday!" he oh'd remembering, "still!! you're my bestie! what, am i not allowed to miss you?" he pouted making you chuckle. "Yeah you are i guess." "anyways, i'll go now, gotta grab some sleep..SEE YA!!" Jeremy exclaimed running back to his small truck of a car then drove away. "You better show up tomorrow!" you hear Phil growl, so you turn around to see him frowning at Dave before walking towards his car as the bus left too.

"Cold day, innit." the Texan mumbles as he takes out a cigarette, lights it up then starts smoking. "I didn't know you smoked." "ya don't know lotsa 'bout me darlin'." he says as you look at him questioningly "what do you mean by that.." his eyes widened slightly as he looked away "don't ya bother yer pretty head with it." he grinned awkwardly while patting your head as you still stared at him.

"Are you using a fake name?"

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