Chap. 13 - Fake name

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His eyes shot open, almost choking on the cigarette smoke. "F-Fake name? n-naw darlin'! could never!" he stuttered as you questioningly glared at him. "Yes, yes you are..your accent doesn't sound real, and sometimes i've heard bits of british come out of your mouth..who are you actually." you mumbled as he went pale looking away. "Y-You don't need to know about that, it's a uhm, dark past..and i don't want to frighten or make you hate me..i really don't.." he mumbled as you got even more suspicious. "Atleast a detail, please." "previous owner of Fredbear's family dinner." he sighed as you took some seconds to think trying to remember them, you saw them a lot whenever you went to that restaurant, but you simply can't remember most details somehow.

"So..there was this guy..Henry Emily and...uh..William Afton." you mumbled to yourself looking at the ground "Henry was..blonde..and Will..head down." you said grabbing one of Dave's hair lock dragging it down so you could have a better look at his hair roots, which were obviously brown, which means that he wasn't a natural blonde, as he claimed, it was obvious tho. "OW! oi ye bloody daft! be careful with my hair!" he exclaimed as you let it go then glared at him again. "Was that british i heard?" he went quiet as you then stared at his eyes, silvery blue. "You're full of surprises William." you smirked slightly as his eyes widened staring at you in disbelief.

"How did you-" "it's literally obvious, you look just like him but with short blonde hair." you cut him off, making him sigh. "Fine, am ol' William, don't ya dare tell anyone 'bout this, aye?!" he threatened "you can drop the southern accent, you know? i know you're british, and yes, i promise i won't say a thing." you spoke as he groaned "oi, foine ye daft!..and thanks." he poshed his words. "Too much british, cut it out." "foine! but don't ya tell anyone else about this! i don't need that bloody police on my way!" he exclaimed as you questioningly glared at him again. "What do you mean police..." he went pale again. "I- uh-" "what did you do.." you glared more as he refused to speak. "You can honestly say pretty much anything at this point im not even phased." he sighed.

" you know about the..five missing children?.." your eyes widened, "you're the one who killed them?!" you exclaimed gasping slightly, tho you weren't really that surprised..honestly you could see him being able to do all that. "why kids tho." "woit, aren't yo scared??" he asked as you shook your head making him oh. "Im just curious as to why kids." "they were bloody annoying!!" he exclaimed as you nodded "i have to agree, kids are indeed annoying. If i wouldn't get to prison for this, i would've probably killed some too." you said careless then see Dave stare at you quite surprised. "What, don't ya believe me?" "you don't seem loike the koind of person to murder anyone." he britishly said. "You're underestimating me there Willy." you puffed a laugh.

"HEY! don't coll me that!!" he exclaimed slightly mad "alright Willy, then what should i call you?" you asked as he tought for a second. "Dave Miller, awesome texan man!" he exclaimed proudly as you puffed a laugh again "alright, i'll call you Davey." you grinned as you could see red dust his cheeks softly. "Oi, shut up!" he rolled his eyes "wanna make out?" you smirked grinning as you could see him tense up, eyes widening as he looked at you with a flabbergasted look. "I one's here, so who the fock am i to say no?" he reasoned as by that, you pulled him into a deep kiss by the collar of his shirt, taking in the smell of cigarettes as he probably blushed, maybe, but he was the one to agree, so he had to deal with it now, it wasn't bad, since after a few seconds he kissed back, deepening the kiss even more, literally making out with you.

Does he even genuinely like it tho? he seems to be that guy who doesn't really care about anyone, and just manipulates for the sake of his plans and goals, what were being manipulated at this exact moment?..a smooth way of manipulating someone is by making them think you care. Was he really genuine all this time? seemed like it but at the same time it didn't..somehow what if he's only using you for something or to get to something? you honestly didn't care at the moment tho, you were in the middle of making out, and boy it felt good, well until you're interrupted by a familiar voice, Joan??

"God, why are you two making out by the pizzeria." she said as you quickly pulled away almost loosing balance and falling down. "M-Making out?..who said anything about making out?!" you stuttered as a deep blush crept up on your cheeks as you stared at Joan. "Uhm..your faces." she said doing a small up and down motion with her finger as she then walked into the restaurant. "What the fock-" you hear Dave mumble as you look back at him
embarrassed. "W-We should probably head home.." you stammered as he nodded looking away embarrassed aswell. "There moight be a small li'le problem.." you hear him mumble as you turn back to him with a raised brow.

"Huh, what is it?" you ask as he looks away swinging from his heels to his toes. "Uh, so me and moy pals, had a smoll uh..foight! and well, they kicked me out! bloody focken rats! n-nevermind that, i was thinking, maybe i could uh..crash at yours for a whoile? until..things settle down between me and them?" he reasoned as you sighed thinking for some seconds. "Fine, you can, just don't be nosy." you said as he smiled, tightly hugging you from behind. "Thonk you n/n!" he smirked slightly proudly making you chuckle. "Mhm, come on, let's go." you said as he let you go then followed closely, with that stupid lil smirk on his face, it was cute tho.

??? POV:
Couldn't bear to keep myself away, and just observe. William Afton..i saw a lot, too plentiful, his deviousness is nonpareil, his mind, twisted and sick, possessing the most inhuman and morbid thoughts someone could ever have..all of this, hidden carefully by Dave, his alter ego. They have no tought as to what sinful and unredeemable sins this man has done, his little masquerade is working perfectly, he succumbed them into allowing him in their house. The peril is growing briskly, the devious words have been used once too many times. Please wake up. wake up and take notice of the endangered situation you're putting yourself into Y/n. I don't want you to endure the same pain as me. All because i believed him.


I shall make myself known to you sooner...

A/n: goofy shitty ahh chapter💀💀😭

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