Chap. 33 - Birthday.. (1/3)

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Waking up, more like jolting awake because of your stupid alarm ruining your hearing system even more, you groan loudly remembering about your birthday, great, absolutely fantastic. You sigh, sitting up while looking at the texan next to you, all hovered over your life-sized cat plushie, the one he won for you at the state fair, while softly snoring. Since when was that plushie his?? everytime you woke up you saw him all hovered over it. tho it was yours, you instead had to use that red snake, it wasn't as comfortable but hey, it was still a good cuddling pillow..somehow. Anyways, he surely wasn't gonna wake up any sooner, lazy ass. You stand up and walk towards the bathroom to do your daily routine, then leave the apartment, praying no one would throw you an unexpected birthday party or atleast remember about your birthday, no one, not even Dave, you didn't need or want all that attention upon you because what. it's your birthday?? crappy.

mom (???) POV:
I watched them saunter down the path onwards to that pizzeria they worked at. I undergo a sense of foreboding about today..something or..someone "long missed" is gonna show up..someone im not entrusted with..Him?...

Today is also their birthday..i feel so bad for not being able to tell them happy birthday while i hug them and tell them how proud i feel..feel?..i've long forgotten the sentiment, but nevertheless, i love you y/n.

Arriving at Freddy's, you walk inside and look around, it was oddly quiet, it never is like that always heard Jeremy laugh with Fritz and Phil telling them to keep it quiet whenever you walked in..this was strange. Walking further inside, you suddenly hear some mumbles and see Jeremy and Fritz stumbling out of a room, full of glitter..what the hell. "Why are you two..glittered." you ask walking over to them while chuckling as their eyes widened staring either at eachother or at you. "Ah..y-y/ are you in this fine morninggg??.." Jeremy asked trying to change the subject. "It was good, now don't think that if you try and change the subject i'll forget about my question Jermy, now tell me, why do you two look like some sprinkled pink donuts at a 7 year old girl's party." you asked resting your hands on your hips as they kept quiet for a short amount of time until Jeremy muttered something.

"Well uh..we might've quite had..a small small little problem with uh..your party." you facepalmed, "i need to see, what possible disaster you two could cause in th-" you get cut off by a gasp once you open the door. "What the fuck.." were your only words as you heard loud music booming, the animatronics covered in pink shiny glitter, too many decorations, some even falling down, glitter all over the floor, it was just- a total chaotic mess inside. "GET OUTTA THE WAY-" you suddenly hear a familiar yell, looking to the side you see..Damian?? with a paint can in his arms, tripping and dropping it, making the seemingly blue paint spill all over the floor and poor Fritz. "OH MY FUCKING- Damian!! i told ya to be careful with that paint can!! why the hell were you running?! now y/n's birthday really is destroyed.." Jeremy exclaimed annoyedly. Annoyed? he was never annoyed, that's new.

"I-..what is going on?! where's Phil?? and- why are you here Damian?!" you asked as they looked away again thinking of an answer. "Phil..ah well" speaking of the devil.."WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Phil yelled dropping some gifts while gripping onto his hair as he saw Jeremy and Fritz covered in pink glitter, Damian still on the floor as blue paint was everywhere, especially on Fritz. "I LEFT YOU ALL ALONE FOR 3 MINUTES..3 MINUTES!!! HOW CAN YOU FUCK UP SOMETHING SO BAD?!?" he yelled furiously approaching the three as he then noticed you and his expression changed immediately. "Ah..uhm..hello- y/n! h-happy birthday.." he stuttered as you sighed "i told y'all i don't need a birthday party or gifts or anything..and again, Damian, why the hell are you here." you sigh as he stands up wiping his full of paint hands on his jeans then grins awkwardly. "Uhm- happy birthdayyyy?.." "Damian..." "fine fine, Jeremy called me and told me to come here at the pizzeria to help him with his radical- badass birthday party for you or however he called it, i couldn't refuse." he mumbled the last words as you sighed rubbing the top of your nose.

Suddenly the glass front doors open and as you all look to the side seeing a nervous Joan rush towards the 5 of you, holding a chocolate cake in her hands. Just then you noticed Phil's gift boxes on the floor and how quickly she approached them. "JOAN- THE GIFTS!!" you yell "huh?" she mumbled then looked down as her eyes widened once she noticed them. "OH SHI-" she yelled tripping, as you then saw the cake flying towards Jeremy at a rather quick pace. "JEREMY DUCK!!!" Damian yelled "huh? what where?!" he mumbled looking around for an actual duck as he then looked up "WHERE'S THE DU-" he gets cut off by the cake hitting him in the face, sending him down to the ground straight in the blue paint puddle. He said nothing for a few seconds, you tought he died, well, until you heard him chewing. "Jermo what the fuck.." you chuckle lifting the cake of his face as he just- ate the remainings from his face. "Mmh! ITS SO TASTYYY!!" he exclaimed continuing to eat it as you heard Joan sigh, so you turn to her. "Im so sorry for the cake n/n, but uh, happy birthday!" "thanks Jo." you smiled warmly as she nodded softly.

mom POV:
Oh this went so bad, a birthday party ruined..tho my child does not seem a tad upset by it.

"Now how are we supposed to clean this up?!" asked Phil still a little irritated as you all shrugged. "The old fashioned way i guess." you said with a small chuckle, grabbing a few mops, throwing them to Joan, Jeremy and Fritz, who as dirty, full of paint and glitter as they were, started mopping the floor. "Hey y/n?.." you suddenly hear Damian so you turn to him with a smile, "yes Dami?" "can we private?.." he asked "oh uh, sure, what's up?" you say leaning the mop against the wall, following him towards the slushy machine, pretty far away from Jeremy and the others, they sure won't hear you. "First things first, i missed you, a lot." he said quickly hugging you then pulling away, "also, happy birthday love! i know you don't like to celebrate your birthday at all but, you deserve the congratulations! happy birthday again and i just hope you'll have a day as beautiful and lovely as you!" he said pulling you into a hug again as you rose a brow in confusion.

Why was he speaking like this? beautiful and lovely? LOVE?? was he flirting with you?? You said nothing and kept on listening for whatever he was gonna say next. "And as a birthday gift..i invited here, someone who you love with your whole heart! and you haven't saw in a long time!! you're gonna be so happy when you see him!" Damian exclaimed pulling away as you nodded awkwardly "uh yeah..thanks!.." you said with a fake smile as he nodded slightly, "he should be here any moment!". He?? Is it perhaps some highschool friend of yours?? who the fuck can it be.

mom's POV:
I sense something really bad is gonna atrocious thing..its not going to end well at all. Must protect y/n.

Im sorry.

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