Chap. 18 - State fair EB

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Sooner, Jeremy calmed down sighing a phew. "What a laugh man..anyways, i wanna go test all the games around!!" he exclaimed with a wide smile. "I'll come with ya mr. Fitzgerald." you hear Phil say "are you sure mr. Guy? i can go with him!" you said as he smiled softly at you, "no need mx. l/n, really. I can handle him!" "are you sure?" you asked as he nodded. "Okay then, move your ass Willy, i wanna try playing that balloon game over there." you said walking away as he said nothing but followed you. Reaching the counter, you ask for the employee to hand you some darts as you gave him the money. Taking a few steps back, you close one eye and stick your tongue out for extra precision then shot all the darts hitting all the three balloons. You gasped "i won.." mumbling you see the employee hand you a red snake plushie.

"Thanks!" you smiled then turned towards Dave, looked at him then back at the snake and sighed. "Here you go, to make you feel better about..whatever happened earlier..maybe she was shy, or..had a bad day, those trailers don't really look particularly comfortable anyways.." you mumble lending the plushie out for him to grab as he stared at you then at it with a quite surprised look and carefully grabbed it from your hands then stared at its face for quite some time. "I'd stab yew face if yer dumb face wosn't so adorable." you heard him growl before throwing it around his shoulders, it made you chuckle.

??? POV:
Their prize was now in his murderous hands, his atrocious soul does not deserve their blessed kindness. The devious words have once again been used, bringing them into the 'faith or pain' rabbit hole. They look happy tho, i miss perceiving emotions. I miss thinking he loved me.

He didn't.

Take notice anon.

You suddenly spot Jeremy with a ton of plushies in his arms. "WOAH JERMO. HOW DID YOU-" "pure luck y/n!" he answered proudly as you grabbed some plushies looking at them. "THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!" you squeal as he nods "i know right?!!" "WHERE DID YOU GET THIS CAT PLUSHIE FROM??" you asked basically jumping from one feet to the other. "That stand over there!!" he exclaimed pointing to some stand which had the plush you wanted, a long fluffy cat like plush, it was extremely adorable. "Let me tell you how fun it was!! i somehow won everything here!! thanks to mr. Guy! he helped me lots!" Jeremy said as Phil smiled sweetly, and so you kept on talking, until they decided to walk to some other stands in some other parts, to get more plushies. "Alright, now where D-" you cut yourself off as you looked around yourself not seeing him anywhere, where the fuck did that Texan go this time. You groaned about to walk away until you felt pokes on one your shoulder.

"Huh- what do y- OH MY GOD NO WAY." you squealed once you saw a 'life sized' kitten plush like Jeremy's in front of your eyes. Just then, you see Dave peek his head from behind it as it made you laugh slightly. "Why did you do this ey?" you asked with a sly smile as he rubbed one of his temples "yew squealed my ears to death darlin'." you laughed again then grabbed the cat from his hands and held it close against you, thing was, that it was almost as tall as you, just 20 cm shorter, but hey, i guess it makes for a good body pillow. "Also becaus' yew gifted me tha snakey, so i had to giv' ya sumfin', roight? thot would be jus' fair!" he continued as you smiled nodding. "So, i suppose you like the snakey?" he nodded slowly, almost unnoticeably, looking away. Liar.

"Thanks Willy." "hey! i said not to coll me thot!!" he let the british out as you laughed. "As you say Davey." you mumbled giving him a small peck on the cheek as he gasped slightly. "What's so surprising ey? anyways, i've been eyeing that troll wheel, i wanna try it." you said grabbing his hand speeding the pace and dragging him after you, he almost tripped in the process. Getting in the line for the wheel, you wait patiently until you get at the queue for the ticket booth. "Let me have no money to pay, eh?" you said almost to puff a chuckle, looking back at Dave as he looked away rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, a'do, but lowah than these bloody expesive prices!" he exclaimed angered as you let out a chuckle. "Since you won me this adorable kitty plushie, i'll pay for ya." you said as his smile grew slightly. "Thanks luvh." Liar. he kissed your temple as you blushed violently. Devious manipulator. 'Love?! he never called me that, this is new.' you thought then jolted back to reality.

"2 tickets please!" "36 dollars please." the employee said bored as your eyes widened slightly "man when did the prices go so high.." you mutter then hear a britishly "i know roight?" in your ear making you jolt but nod. Giving the employee the money, he hands you the tickets then you both walk forward to wait at another line of people, just to get up in the wheel. "We're gonna stay here forever.." you groan crossing your arms. "This is whoy i hate crowds." he said crossing arms aswell. "Wanna make out?" his eyes widened blushing "n-now?.." you nodded as a smirk crept up on his face. "I'd wont to, but..there's people around us..yew kneow?" Liar. he said as you nodded "uhuh, you want privacy ey?" he nodded and pushed you further as the line advanced. Liar.

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