Chap. 35 - Birthday.. (3/3)

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Opening the door, you're met with Damian and Jeremy, both of them holding a cake in their hands while having guilty smiles plastered on their faces. "Hey n/n..we're uhm..sorry for the incident earlier." Jeremy said "yeah..i should've asked you first if you wanted to see your dad..not just..bring him there outta nowhere, im extremely sorry y/n.." Damian added as you sighed with a small smile, "its fine." "can we..come in?" Jeremy asked "sure, just wait a second." you said closing the door. "Dave. DAVE." you whisper-yelled as he looked at you with a raised brow "wot." "Jeremy and Damian are here!! go hide!" he frowned "but im eati-" "take the cake with you, just hide!" you cut him off as he growled curses under his breath, grabbing the cake and walking away to god knows where as you opened the door back smiling. "Come in!" and so they walked inside and placed the cake on the counter then sat down as you sat down in front of them, and so, you began talking. After around 10 minutes you hear a loud, oh so known yell. "BLOODY FOCK!!" your eyes widened as both Jeremy and Damian rose a brow.

"Is..someone staying over n/n?" Damian asked as you began stuttering "i uhm, no no, its just- a neighbor perhaps." "since when do you have british neighbors.." Jeremy asks "i-i don't know, guess i just do!" you exclaimed finishing your cake slice as they still looked at you questioningly. "Excuse me for a second.." you say and ran down the hallway to the room were Dave maybe hid. You open the door with a frown then sigh as you see a cake slice on the floor. "Fock- i uhm- im sorry luvh." he said as you sighed "it's fine, don't worry, but please don't scream so fucking loud, both Jeremy and Damian heard you." "heard what?" the two asked as you turned to them with wide eyes slowly closing the door, "i uh..". "There's no one, go back to your cake slices." you exclaimed trying to push them away but they wouldn't budge.

Suddenly Jeremy walked past you and opened the door only for him to make eye contact with the texan himself, he gasped. "Y/N?? WHAT IS DAVE DOING IN YOUR HOUSE?!" Jeremy yelled as Damian took a peek too, obviously frowning when he saw him. "Uhm.." you stuttered trying to think of an answer to take yourself out of this whole thing. "Does he live with you?" Damian asked softly, "well..technically yes-" "what the fuck y/n." Damian groaned. "I should've been the one to live with you! not him, I love you, not him." he exclaimed, "excuse me..what?", "yes y/n..can't you see he doesn't even love you?!" "OI YEW BLOODY FOCK-" Dave yelled britishly as he came out of the room. "Quiet Dave, let him finish, i wanna see what he says." you said as Damian sighed. "Come on y/n..i loved you since we were 10 and still you choose this weirdo over me, i would have had been a more better partner than he could ever be any day." you sighed.

"Damian you're kinda toxic right now don't you think? continue like this and you're out of my house. You don't have the rights to tell me who i can love and who not to. And, don't call him a weirdo or- whatever, you don't even know him." you spat venom at him as Damian frowned, "of course i do, i bet he's gonna dump you and fucking leave you soon, and don't you dare come back at me saying 'Damian im sorryyy! i luv youuu!' " you sighed, "Damian get out of my house" "but-" "i said get out!" you exclaimed as he groaned walking towards the front door. "Fucking idiot." he growled before slamming the door.

mom POV: this Damian really was just a walking red flag, and i trusted him, im such an idiot.

"I think i'll leave too..happy birthday again!" Jeremy mumbled hugging you as you hugged him back, "thanks Jermy, see ya!" you said as he smiled leaving your apartment aswell. "WOT WAS THE DEAL WITH HIM." Dave exclaims crossing his arms as you shrug "just Damian being Damian, nothing else." you said with a shrug grabbing the cake from the bedroom, going to the kitchen and placing it in the fridge. "Aight, im off to sleep. don't make noise if you're working on that remnant of yours again, night." you said walking in the bedroom, laying down, loosely hugging the red snakey plushie. Boi were you tired, today was a whole ass roller coaster of emotions and a day you'll never forget, not in a good way. Your father ruined everything.

You jolt once you feel a pair of arms make their way around your waist. "Eh? how come you ain't hovered all over my cat plushie?" Dave shrugged, nuzzling your neck. It was weird how sometimes he was the clingiest person you've ever seen and the other times he was..cold, not cold, but, not clingy, in the middle somewhere. You sighed, "night." "night luvh." he replied, and so, you drifted off to sleep rather quickly, awaiting for what the fuck was tomorrow gonna bring.

mom POV:
Good night my sweet child, i wish i could tell you this myself and hug you tightly. Im gonna show myself in your dreams tonight..Please take care of yourself..

i love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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