Chap. 8 - Las Vegas trip (2/3)

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"78 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL!! 78 BOTTLES OF BEEERRRR!!" Jeremy kept on singing this for 20 minutes atleast, he wasn't gonna stop any sooner surely, it wasn't funny anymore, you grew annoyed, and tried to sleep, well tried, whenever you were close to falling asleep, your head either hit the window, either Jeremy's yelling woke you up. Sighing you turn to him. "Jeremy, please for the love of god, im trying to sleep! shut up!!" you exclaimed as he pouted slightly at you "or atleast sing quieter, please." you growled sitting back down, taking your earphones out of your bag. "Oi, ya seem irritated, yer fine?" you hear Dave mumble as you turned to him with a small smile.

"Im fine, don't ya worry, just..a little annoyed, i mean i've been trying to grab some sleep until we arrive but Jeremy just keeps on yelling that thing so i uh- lashed at him." you smiled bashfully as he kept the same smirk on his face "noice lash tho." "i didn't mean to do it, neither lash at him or anything, i love Jerm." you said with a sweet smile as the smirk on Dave's face seemed to drop. "What d'ya mean love??" he asked as you looked into the void for some seconds then blushed. "OH, no no no, i didn't mean it like that! i love him as a friend! we're really close friends!" you say with an awkward smile as Dave seemingly sighed in relief, just then, you feel your hair get ruffled. "Aw, that's sweet of ya!" you hear Jerm speak so you look up and you see him smiling sweetly at you. After some more minutes, you finally fell asleep with the bumpy road and Jeremy's now quiet singing, tho it seemed to get louder honestly, but you had the chance to fall asleep before it got even louder.

??? POV:
He adroitly succumbed them into faith in his little masquerade. The devious words have been used once too many times. I watched as they lost track of reality, dozing off on his shoulder, conjecturing that they were safe around the Devious. I could do nothing, but observe how they had no clue..

-3 hours later-

"NEGATIVE SIXTY-THREE BOTTLES OF BEEEEEEEER!!! TAKE ONE DOWN, PASS-" you jolt awake due to Jeremy's song, that apparently just got louder by the time you went to sleep. Just as you were slowly regaining conscience, you feel slight weight on your head and something around your shoulder, and just as you look up, you see Dave's head rested a top of yours, softly snoring into your hair, your head on his shoulder and his arm around your arm, gripping into it, holding you close. Was he- was he cuddling against you? You blush hardly at the tought and start screaming internally. "Oh we're here!" you hear Jeremy say softly so you look out of the window to indeed see that the bus has stopped in front of a massive hotel.

"Dave, hey, wake up." you mumble softly shaking him as Jeremy pops in front of him out of nowhere and shakes him roughly. "WAKE UP PISSHEAD!!" "JEREMY NO!! DON'T SHAKE HIM LIKE THAT!" you exclaim as Dave jolts awake and frowns at Jeremy "WHAT THE FOCK YER WANT YOU LITTLE-" "calm down Dave." you say gripping into his shoulder as he keeps quiet but still glares at Jeremy as he was grinning evily.

Getting out of the bus, the 4 of you walk inside the hotel and to the reception. "No way we're gonna stay at this's so luxurious oh my god." "i know right?!" you agreed with Jeremy, smiling widely. As Phil came back, you noticed he only had 3 keys in his palm. ", the hotel is really crowded, so two of us will need to share a room." he said as you and Jeremy oh'd. "Im disposed to do that!" you said with a smile as he nodded. "Would you mind sharing the room with mr. Miller?" he asked as your eyes widened slightly trying to hide away any tint of blush that tried to appear on your face. "Uhm- n-no no! not at all, ask him about it tho.." you stuttered as Phil turned to Dave whomst shrugged. "Don't mind it." he said careless as a small smile crept on Phil's face. "Great then! let's go leave the suitcases and backpacks upstairs." he said as you all walked towards an elevator.

As the elevator stopped, you got out and followed Phil until he stopped at a door, unlocking it as everyone peeked inside, it was decent, pretty if you ask me. "This is your room mr. Fitzgerald!" Phil said as Jeremy gasped. "i get to stay here..all by myself?" he mumbled quietly "of course!" and with that Jeremy sprinted into the room and began jumping around and on the 2 beds, it made you genuinely smile. "WOOOHOOOOO!!" he yelled happily, you could hear it from behind the door after Phil closed it and guided the two of you to your room. "Spacious really." you mumbled throwing your backpack next to your bed then throwing yourself onto it. "Yer roight. Too spacious if yer ask me." Dave says looking around. "Isn't it a good thing?" you ask sitting as you saw him shrugging.

Suddenly the door bursts open and you see Jeremy run up to you grabbing your hands. "Y/N. THERE'S A NIGHT CLUB. IN THE LOBBY." Jeremy exclaims as you almost chuckle. "LET'S GO PLEASE?? PLEASE PLEASEEEE??" he pleads as you give in and stand up. "Fine, Dave? wanna come along?? there's alcohol~" you said with a smirk as he smirked too "oh, alcohol?..f'course darlin'." he said grabbing your hand dragging you towards the door as you dragged Jeremy after you making like a little train. Reaching the lobby, you go straight to the nightclub.

-2 hours later-

"Where could they be.." Phil mumbles as he walks inside the nightclub, just then he sees Jeremy's ahoge from afar, he was climbing up on the pool table. "HEY YOOO!!!" he yells as Phil tries to get at him through the massive crowd of people. "EVERYONE HERE AT THIS FANCY HOTEL...JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU DUDES HOW HAPPY AM I TO WORK AT-" he hiccuped. "AT FRANNY FAZBEAR'S...PIZZAS.." he yelled again. "And it is totally awesome to be here with all of you guys." Jeremy says with a smile as Phil reaches at the pool table. "Mr. Fi-" "EVERYBODY! my boss Phil is here! this guy right here is the best boss in the whoooole world, i kid you not. If i had a dime for every day he made me work hard, i wouldn't be able to buy a gum ba-" he cutted Phil off slurring his words.

Phil then reaches for his leg shaking it, as Jeremy crouches "what is it mr. Guy? i was just telling my friends all about you and the pizzeria.." "pizzeri-aa..pizz-uh-reea.." Jeremy slurred out as Phil frowned. "Mr, Fitzgerald! please..please get off the pool table.." he said as Jeremy hesitated.
" 'D love to mr. Guy, but i don't think i can get myself.." he mumbled as Phil helped him down, then Jeremy side hugged him, smiling sweetly. "Mr. Fitzgerald, i think it would be pointless for me to ask if you've been drinking. In fact, a better question would be how you even got your hands on a drink." Phil said as Jeremy said nothing else, trying to think of an answer.

"Speak of the devil.."

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