Chap. 28 - Long missed

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'Knock-Knock-Knock' you heard on your door at 3 AM, you couldn't sleep..again, so you walked towards the door and slowly opened only to be met one? but a piece of paper down on your door rug. Grabbing it, you close the door then look at the paper realizing it's a letter. "Hm?.." you mutter starting to read.

'I know how bad you must feel right now, drained, and all because of me, i lied to myself, told myself i need nobody, but i regret saying all that now, i need you, i need you a lot. I am so sorry for putting you through all this seemingly never ending pain, you didn't deserve an ounce of it. You're smart and strong but for how long can you carry all the pain? im so sorry for all this, extremely sorry, just, give me another chance to prove that i care, because i bet you've been doubting that too. Please, i love you. Go in the park at 4 AM..just walk around.'

Your eyes filled with tears. Is it a prank? could it be him? what if it's him? what if he's finally back?..I hope not..these questions continuously ran through your head as you quickly got dressed, grabbed a pepper spray with you just incase, grabbed your backpack then left the apartment and towards the lift. Walking out of the building, you cross the street then reach the park. It was so empty..empty and quiet, so you walk around for a while until you spot a shadowed silhouette sit on a bench, you approach slowly until you're eight meters away from it. You gasp and your eyes widen once you see dirty blonde reflect in the light of the dim lit light pole, and the oh so unique heart ahoge. Your backpack suddenly fell on the ground with a thud as you didn't even realized, making the person look at it then up at he widened his eyes too slowly standing up.

??? POV:
Oh no..please for the love of god..don't do this. Don't destroy them even more than they already are. Im trying to protect them from you...

You stared at eachother for some moments before tears drowned your eyes, was it really him? was it just an illusion? was your mind playing tricks on you?..You notice a warm smile creeping up on his face as he opened his arms, waiting for your embrace. You quickly sprinted towards him, almost tackling him down in a really tight hug. "HOW COULD YOU JUST- LEAVE LIKE THIS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" you yelled, crying loudly into his shoulder, hitting his back with your fist, slow enough to not hurt him. "I-Im so sorry i-i..i didn't yea mean to..really! i-" LIAR. Dave's voice pitched up and cracked the more he tried to speak until you heard him literally burst into tears burying his head in your shoulder. He never cried before..i mean, you never saw him to, he usually just brushed things like these off with a smirk or some Texan story or fact. "I- I just was in a f-fit or rage..i don't need anybody.." he muttered the last part as you just listened, crying your heart out, quietly. "Fucking liar..i regret it all, i-i n-need you..a-a lot.." LIAR. Dave muttered as you tightened the hug sighing.

??? POV:
oh no..oh no no no no no..i tought glancing at the two grasping eachother like both would disappear if they let go, it was disappointing to look at, i felt emotion after all these years...I FELT EMOTIONS...

"I's okay..shh.." you mumble finally calming down slightly, still sniffing "n-no it's not..i left w-without even saying goodbye..told yew nothing..i tought i-i needed nobody..had yew worried." EMOTIONS!! he mumbled sobbing softly. "Im so sorry, i need you, you're my home. I love you." LIAR?!! your heart skipped a beat, softly pulling away looking him in the eyes. "are you..being honest?" you asked as he nodded with a small, warm genuine smile, tears staining his face. LIAR!! EMOTIONS?!! your heart skipped a beat again as you blushed, tears flooding your eyes again. "Me too.." you sniffed wiping a tear as his hand reached to your other falling tear, wiping it away as you sighed cupping his cheeks, squishing them softly. "They're still squishyyy!" you exclaimed grinning, squishing them even more.

"That's really all that you missed?" Dave asked sarcastically as you chuckled "of course!" you joked. "Rude." he pouted jokingly smacking your hands off of his face as you pouted aswell "aw man!" you said sniffing, wiping a small tear as he didn't even bother to look at you, well until you poked his shoulder. "Wot-" he turned around getting cut off by you cupping his face and pulling him into a deep long kiss. Oh no..NO!!You could feel his face heat up, tho after a few seconds he kissed back, you sighed, your hands making their way towards his hair, as you heard him whimper again slightly. You pulled away "jesus you really love this don't you." you said with a sly smile as he looked at the ground, blush all over his face. "I missed it." MANIPULATIVE LIAR!! was all he said as you smiled warmly pulling him into a long hug, still keeping your hands in between his hair locks.

"Are you going to leave again?.." you suddenly asked as he kept quiet probably thinking of an answer. "P-Please don't..i don't wanna be away from you hurts." you muttered the last words, holding onto his hands tightly. Please say you won't..please. "I won't do this ever again, i don't allow myself.." YOU SHOULD'VE LEFT. Dave said as a genuine smile grew on your face, tearing up again. "So that's where my jumper went." he suddenly said as you looked down at it "yeah oopsie..forgot to give it back to you" you puffed a chuckle taking it off as he stopped you. "No, you keep it darlin'. Looks better on yew than on meh." Dave said as his usual stupid smirk grew up on his face. You smiled then looked down to notice the bracelet you made still on his wrist. "You still have this?.." you mumbled lifting his hand up to look at it more closely.

"Of course! why wouldn't i? it was the greatest gift sum'one could ever giv' meh!" LIAR? he reasoned with a warm smile as you felt yourself tear up while looking down at your identical bracelet. "I love you Davey." you hugged him tightly as he held you close to him, finally feeling safe and loved. "I love yew too n/n."

??? POV:
And its all back to the beginning..succumbed into his masquerade full of devious words and lies. How can someone as kind and lovely as them, love someone as sinful and unredeemable as him?..a sick and twisted manipulator?..i never understood. Wasn't i in the same situation tho?

"I love you so much Orion!" i smiled
"i love you too ⋔⟊⌇⏃." he manipulated me.

i soon found myself drowning in a pool of blood, as he lifelessly stared at me, no regret written on his face, my vision kept on getting more and more blurry until..i ceased to exist.

I yearn for your welfare Y/n.


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