Chap. 19 - Troll wheel ride

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After a few moments, you finally get to embark in one of those wheel seats thingies. "WOAH-" you yelp as the thing rocked back and forth. "Easy there...cowboy" you hear Dave snicker, grabbing onto your hand, stabilizing the seats as you slowly turned around with a pout. "Call me cowboy again and im ripping your hand off." you growl as his stupid smirk grew "alroight..cowboy." he chuckled as you pulled him into the seats making them rock back and forth harder than before, making you almost fall off. "Can you please not?? these seats are already old enough, we don't want lawsuit because they have hurt people or something. So next time be careful when you walk in one of these." you hear an employee say as you glare at Dave.

"It was this idiot's fault!" "moine? yew dragged me inside this thin'!" he exclaimed as just then you felt the seats move upwards. "Have a nice ride." the employee said with a toxic disgusted smile as you both pouted and sat down, crossing arms, looking away from eachother. "I hate you." you say pouting as he looks at you with a deadpan face "a mom'nt ago yew wer' in luvh wi' meh." he said as you look at him with the same deadpan expression, leaning in to glare straight into his eyes. "Were" you highlighted as he glared too leaning slightly closer, just then, he pulled you into a kiss, as you soon kissed back, which uh, resulted into a make out session really soon. Devious manipulator. Take notice ANON.

"Mr. Guy?..are those..Dave and y/n?" Jeremy mumbled looking up, not seeing too well as Phil looks up too "uhm..i can't see.." he mumbles covering the sun with his hands "wait" Jeremy mutters grabbing some binoculars he won from a game then placing them at his eyes trying to see something. "'s them..what are they..HOLY SHIT-" he said literally gasping as he saw you two making out, his hands cupping your jaw line and the back of your ears, holding you close, one of your leg over his, a really shocking sight to see if you were Jeremy or just anyone else. "Huh?? what's wrong mr. Fitzgerald?" Phil asks with a raised brow "THEY- T-THEY- THEY'RE MAKING OUT!!!" he yells scared, still gasping "What do you mean making out?!" Phil asks slightly unnerved as a fly flies into Jeremy's mouth at some point, making him choke and take the binoculars off as he coughed aggressively until he spat it out on the ground, dead and wet.

"Ew." he mumbled eyeing it as then Phil snatched the binoculars and had a look, he rose a brow again. "What do you mean mr. Fitzgerald? they're not making out, they're even barely talking." he calmly says as Jeremy's mouth falls to the floor. "WHAT?!" he exclaims grabbing the binoculars to have a look through them again to see you two exactly as Phil described. "B-BUT BUT- THEY-" "you must be seeing things mr. Fitzgerald, they're not doing anything." Phil cut him off as Jeremy pouted confusedly rubbing his head. "Am i on drugs or something.." he mumbles to himself "come on, let's go try some more games." Phil said dragging an extremely confused Jeremy after him.

"Why did you do that." you frowned "had all tha' roights to." Liar. the Texan said with that stupid smirk on his face. "Uhuh sure." you rolled your eyes jokingly as he glared at you. "Wan' meh to show yew??" he asked as you nodded then suddenly you felt the seats rock back and forth under you. "What the fuck?.." you mumble "We're extremely sorry, the wheel will be stuck for about 30 minutes due to the engines malfunctioning, we're extremely sorry and thank you for choosing Troll wheel as your attraction. Maintenance starting now." you heard through the speakers as you facepalmed groaning slightly. "So now im stuck here with you for about 30 minutes." you pouted as he nodded then looked up seeing the..police.

He looked back down as you glanced at him raising a brow confused. "Are you fine? you look like you've seen a ghost.." you mumble as then you look up too and notice the police...making out??? tf. "Oh, is Willy worried?" you laughed as he frowned. "Stawp calling me that ya daft!! are those rats even lookin' afta' meh?" he britishly asked as you looked up again. "Totally not, they're making out, they ain't even doing their job." you say as he oh's then looks down at the people, some looking up at the stuck Troll wheel. Sighing, you laid down, head on the hard yellow plastic seat. "Yew okay there darlin'?" you shrug "i just grew tired, i guess.." you muttered as he oh'd again then you suddenly feel weight on you making you yelp softly then look down to see Dave on top of you playing with one of your hair strands. Devious manipulator. You smiled laying your head back down as your left hand crept up his back and towards his hair making him shiver slightly. Your hand reached his hair, playing with it softly as he groaned quietly. "You okay there?" you ask as he lets out a quiet mhm clinging onto you more. Manipulative liar.

You almost fell asleep when you felt the seats rock under you, making you jolt awake. "HOLY FU-" you said gripping onto Dave, almost dropping your cat plush too as he rose his head quickly gripping onto you aswell. "FOKEN BLOKES!!" he britishly yelled as the seats balanced. "Maintenance ended, the engines work properly now, thank you for waiting and enjoy the rest of your ride!" the voice said through the speaker as the troll wheel began moving again. You sit up as he does so too and wait for the seats to reach down. Getting down, you phew laying your hands on your knees. "Sweet ground." you mumble standing back up, just then you see Jeremy run towards you. "I tought you wouldn't come down no more!! you were really stuck there n/n.." he says as you chuckle "yeah but, it wasn't that big of a problem..really, the time passed quickly." you said with smile as he nodded doubtfully "it's because you made out." "What??? no we didn't?" you mumble making him sigh. "Whatever, im not gonna bother with you two anymore, no one's believing me anyways." he said.

"I think we should head home." you hear Phil say as he put his hands together smiling sweetly. "Yeah, im pretty much tired." both you and Jeremy said as Phil nodded and began walking towards his car as you all followed. Arriving, you get in and drive off, Phil driving everyone back to their homes or something, first you, then Dave and lastly Jeremy. That bitchass texan moved out since he apparently seemed to have conciliated with his brother and his boyfriend, so you lived alone again, well, not anymore, now you have a kitty body pillow plushie to keep ya company when you go to sleep, it was really cuddly.

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