Chap. 29 - Almost red-handed

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You feel dragged tiredly by a hand, tho you weren't moving and just clutched tighter onto the cat plushie, you weren't asleep tho, just waited to see what would happen. The person stood up "oi ye bloody cat." he growled as you tried not to smile. Then he suddenly, somehow, slid himself between you and the cat. "Ya bloody cat, they're moine." you puff a chuckle "jealous much?" you mumble as Dave says nothing but just groans against your shoulder as you placed the cat plushie behind you then focused back on the jealous lil Texan man that was snuggling you. "Don't worry, you're more important than a cat plush to me." you said as he held you tightly. He made it so obvious he missed you, didn't try to hide an ounce of the comfort he craved for the past months but didn't have where to get it from, aswell as you, maybe you were close acquainted with Jeremy but, he was more after Michael since he took Dave's place.

??? POV:
Oh no..what are they doing? is she really getting tricked by the devious words and..the masquerade? and i tought they were smart..weren't the messages subliminal enough?..

I need to show myself...

"You comfy there?" he nodded as you walked your hand through his hair yet again, he still whimpered softly at the touch. "I love you." you felt his face heat up against your skin. "L-Luvh ya too darlin'.." LIAR. the texan mumbled as you smiled against his forehead, kissing it softly, as after a few seconds, you already heard soft snores. You really were his home..his only safe place. He finally felt happy and at peace with you..he genuinely really loved you..somehow, maybe he was sinful, and manipulative, but he tried to work on his good side, bring it to the surface near you. Open the lid of his emotions bottle, proof that he trusted you lots, and you were there for him anytime he needed it. DREADFUL MANIPULATOR!! Soon enough, you drifted off to sleep aswell, so easily. Finally after months of tiredness, getting little to no sleep and drainess, you finally had a full night sleep.


You finally walked into the pizzeria after escaping a really clingy texan holding you back at home. You sighed with a small chuckle as you see Jeremy. "HEY JERMY!!" you exclaim as he turns around, his eyes widening slightly "oh my- hey
n/n! how come you're so happy?" he asks as you smile "he came back!!" you grinned as he raised a brow confused, then you realized what you've said. "Who came back?" he asked as you tought for a second "uh, Damian!" you lied "no wayyyy!! can i meet him??" "i uh- later! he's..really tired now." you said hoping he will forget, all you wanted was for Jeremy to see Dave probably choking your cat plushie, instead of his friend Damian, you chuckled at the tought. "Ah okay." he mumbled then looked down at your attire, you still wore the zipper jumper.

"You're still wearing that??" Jeremy asks as you nod "well yeah, it's comfy, and smells like him!" you said with a smile then realized again what you've said, you really need to start learning how to keep your mouth shut. "Him??.." "uhm, Damian!" you exclaimed, all of your answers were Damian now ey? of course they were. Jeremy rose a brow confused, were you in love with Damian? sure you were, that's what he thought, but thing is, he never saw Damian wear it so he began getting suspicious. "Uhuh.." he said staring at it like he tried to read it like a book and perhaps trying to find some clues to lead him to the actual answer. He suddenly grabbed it, bringing it up to his nose, smelling a faint scent of oil and the still so powerful cologne, mixed with the intoxicating smell of cigarettes.

He scrunched his nose. "God y/n, you still haven't washed this?!" he asked backing away as you looked at the jumper with a small smile "no, and i don't think im going to." you mumbled the last part as he rose a brow again. "He's back, isn't he?" your eyes widened at the sudden question, he found out?? "What? who?!" you muttered tightly pressing your lips against eachother, scared that if you were going to let go, his name would roll off your tongue as easily and directly to his face. Dave. "Dave, there's no reason you'd be so jovial if he didn't came back." he said as you jolted slightly shaking your head nervously "no no!! i swear! i have no idea where the fuck is he now." liar, he surely was at your house, either working at that amazing giant humanity evolution of an experiment he told you of, either just arguing with your cat plush because it was getting more cuddles from you than him.

"You know im just trying to move on..and, try to smile." you continued as he nodded "are you sure he's not b-" "hey, can you please make me your famous mekaslushy??" you quickly changed the subject still scared you could possibly give away everything. "OH MY GOD SURE!!" he exclaimed with a smile rushing to the slushy machine, apparently he completely forgot about what you two just talked about a second ago. What was that experiment he told you off about?..remnant?..the key to eternal life?? you didn't remember much from his british speech but you understood most of it.

??? POV:
The peril grew too much, you're dancing with danger at this point Y/n...

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