Chap. 4 - Arcade game

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"Jerm? u got sum on ur mind?" you ask the blonde as he jolts and turns to you "huh? no im fine, it's just annoying how Phil wants me and Dave to set our differences aside and work together for this party or something." he rolled his eyes as you pat his back. "You'll be fine, i swear." "mister?..can you help me??" you suddenly hear a kid then see Jeremy look down at him with a small smile "oh sure! what's wrong?" he asks as the kid points to another kid sitting atop of the birthday gifts. "Oh jeez..HEY!! get down from there!!" Jeremy yelled as the kid threw coke (probably) at his face, wetting him. "Oh man." you mumbled seeing Jeremy stomp past you and out of the room towards the stage as you followed him.

"DAVE." he yelled as you noticed the bleached 'natural blonde' sleeping on the stage, ass up as Jeremy yelled his name again "HEY DAVE!!" he woke up "oi, wot in- tarnation.." he mumbled trying not to laugh at Jeremy being soaked in coke. "UHUH. Wakey wakey!! there's a party in there waiting for you. I'll be back when i feel like it." he exclaimed as Dave got up and stormed off grumbling, towards the party room, probably, as you walked with Jeremy towards the bathroom to help him dry himself.

-Next morning-

"Jermo? what's with that smirk on your face??" you asked smirking aswell as you walked towards him. "I know Dave's secret!" he says "secret? what secret?!" "he steals napkins from the company! and that's 2 dollars off from your paycheck!" he grins evily as you rose a brow slightly confused "soo..what do you wanna do with it?" you asked with a small smile as he rubbed his hands evily. "Take advantage of it and maybe get a free day!" "Hey! get me one too if you dare to do so!!" you pout hitting his shoulder as he chuckles. "Find your own tricks y/n." he laughed as you hit his shoulder repeatedly, just then, Dave came in.

??? POV:
Who was this..Jermo they were talking to? perhaps a reckless dicey being?..tho they don't look endangered by him. Regardless, i need to insulate them...

"The hell d'ya two want." he mumbled as Jeremy grinned evily "quiet country boy, we know your little secret." as he said that you noticed how Dave just went straight pale, his eyes widening. "WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING." Jeremy exclaimed as Dave proceeded to leave but then stopped and glared at him. "What do you need?? money?! is that what you want, you fockin muppet?!" he exclaimed angrily as Jeremy stared weirdly at him, you noticed that he again did that british accent he was 'practicing', apparently he was good at it. " know my secret..right?" he mumbled as Jeremy smiled "i sure do!" god he seemed so much taller compared to Dave, it was funny how short Dave looked next to him. "Dont worry, i won't tell Mr. Guy if you do one thing for me.." "that being??" he asked groaning.

"Could you use one of your cheap excuses to put me out off work for the day?" Jeremy asked as Dave grinned "hah! nice try, but if yer not workin, who's gon run the place?" Jeremy stared at him with a 'it's obvious' look as Dave switched his gaze upon you. "Oh, they can do it!" "why just me alone?? if you're here you can atleast help out a little??" you exclaim as he rolls his eyes at you. "Anyways, have fun! i've got a Mr. Pibb in the break room. If you touch it, i'm telling on you!!" Jeremy exclaimed running towards the break room, leaving you and Dave alone. "Hey, can you fetch an excuse for me too??" "and why would i do that, ey??" he looked you up and down irritated. "Because i helped you with that ass wound." "i didn't need yer help." "i still did." "Finee.." he groaned then stomped away and most likely towards Phil's office.

"YOU'RE CLOSE TO 50K!!" you exclaim as Jeremy hits the buttons of the arcade machine aggressively. "Fitzgerald, l/n, manager says it's gonna be a light day, but yer both off the hook." you hear Dave say so you both turn to him and smile, well, not so innocent smiles. "Have fun!" Jeremy says with a smirk as Dave walks out, he then paused the game and looked at you. "I have an incredible idea." he chuckled walking towards the supplies closet, getting out a little slate with something written on it "50% off same day registrations.." you read then bursted out laughing. "No way you're doing this.." "you bet i am." he said walking outside of the restaurant, placing the slate there, then coming back inside with the most proudest grin ever.


"AYO DAVE!! GET OVER HERE!!" you yell as he turns towards you with a frown then walks towards the both of you. "What's this." "what are you, 40?? it's an arcade game! i got all of the highest scores!!" Jeremy grins "im probably the greatest player at this game that i know!" he praises himself "Let me try!" Dave says harshly pulling Jeremy aside. "That would be 50 cents!" he says as Dave frowns and hands him some then starts the game but looses at 145 score. "Oooh..too bad!" Jeremy cooed as Dave hit the machine making the score rise up to 999999. "WH- HEY!! NO FAIR! YOU CHEATED!!" Jeremy exclaimed angrily as Dave had that weird smirk of his. "Ya pick up these skills when ya actually do yer job!" Jeremy rolls his eyes.

Suddenly there popped the letters WJA on the screen "WJA?? what's that?" Dave went pale again. "Oh uh..that's my..nickname! Will- ....-just advance!" he responded as you both just stared at him. Then the conversation kept on going with Jeremy asking for Dave's tickets, and teasing him about the secret, well, until Dave snapped. "Alroight! the gig's up. Im not going to do what you say just because you know my secret. Keep pestering me and you'll learn why it's a secret." he growled almost jumping on Jeremy to fight him or something. Poor Jerm was confused. "What??..are you seriously threatening me over napkins?!!" "n-napkins?.." Dave mumbles really quietly as you rose a brow suspecting there was something more to this..secret or so.

"Uh, duhh! you get two dollars out of your paycheck whenever you steal the company's napkins!" Jeremy chuckled as Dave just sighed then stomped away. "No wayyyy, this idiot just forgot his wallet!!" Jeremy laughed opening it as you looked over his shoulder. "Does he have any money??" you asked with a grin as Jerm searched through it. "Naw, this dude poor as fuck." he sighed as you pouted "buuuut, he has a credit card!!" he smiled taking it out as you pushed it back in. "It's his Jerm, let me give it back to him." you mumbled sticking your hand out. "Huh, no!! i found it, it's mine!!" he pouted as you gave him a deadpan look. "Jeremy.." "fineeee" he groaned placing it in your hand as you smiled tapping hid shoulder.

"Thanks!" you said before running out of the room after Dave, you saw him walk towards the parts and service room. "Hey Dave!" he turned to you "ey, what's a'matter." he asked as you panted slightly stopping in front of him but then stood up straight. "You forgot your wallet back at the arcade game." you say with a small smile giving him his wallet as he looks questionably at it then at you then checks it inside for some seconds. "Ah, well, thank ya darlin'! ya saved me." he said with a probably genuine smile as he nudged your arm softly. "My pleasure, see ya!" you say waving, then walk away as he does so to, and into the parts and service room he went, god knows what the fuck is he doing in there.

??? POV:
Darling? what form of manipulating is this..i've heard it before, it was him who said it, him who did it...he scragged me. They're putting themselves in substantial peril..i need to warn them..

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